Vascular Flashcards
Following a renal transplant, a 38-year-old woman on cyclosporine and prednisone develops
hypertension, encephalopathy, and seizures. Which of the following is the most likely cause of her
clinical syndrome?
A. Drug toxicity
B. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
C. Viral encephalitis
D. Subarachnoid haemorrhage
E. Reversible cerebral vasoconstrictor syndrome
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is an acute condition which presents with
headache, confusion and seizures. Whilst the same is true for Subarachnoid hemorrhage,
Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome (RCVS) and viral encephalitis, in this case the
history of renal transplant and immunosuppressants make PRES the more likely diagnosis. The exact pathophysiology of PRES is not known but includes a loss of cerebral autoregulation and hyperperfusion with break down of the blood brain barrier and cerebral odema. Imaging will demonstrate parietal and occpital lobe vasogenic oedema. Treatment is supportive, correcting the underying cause with many patients requiring admission to intensive care.
Sacral sparing of pain and temperature sensation is seen most often with which of the following
spinal cord syndromes?
A. Brown-Séquard syndrome
B. cauda equina syndrome
C. Central cord syndrome
D. anterior cord syndrome
E. posterior cord syndrome
Central cord syndrome
Sacral sparing of pain and temperature sensation is most often seen with central cord syndrome,
which typically effects upper extremities more than lower extremities. Brown-Séquard syndrome results in contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation below the level of the lesion.
Anterior cord syndrome causes loss of pain and temperature at and below the level of injury.
Posterior cord syndrome is characterized by isolated loss of proprioception and vibratory
sensation. Cauda equina syndrome presents with perianal and saddle paresthesia with bowel,
bladder and/or sexual dysfunction.
Intravenous tissue plasminogen activator should be administered within a maximum of how many hours after a patient sustains an acute ischemic stroke?
A. 1.5
B. 3
C. 4.5
D. 6
E. 24
Both the American Stroke Association and European Stroke Association guidelines recommend administering IV alteplase within 4.5 hours of symptom onset. This includes wake-up strokes where the patient was last seen well <4.5hours ago. The 2014 meta-analysis by Emberson (cited in the ESO guidelines) contains 9 RCTs with 6700 patients and demonstrates a improved rate of mRS 0-1 outcomes at 3 months for all age groups and stroke severity up to 4.5 hours after symptom onset, however the groups receiving IV alteplase >4.5hr after symptom onset did not show a statistically significant benefit. A meta-analysis by Campbell of the EXTEND, EPITHET and ECASS4 trials did not show a benefit of alteplase after 4.5 hours when the wake up strokes were removed from analysis
Injury to the fornix can cause
A. poikilothermia
B. hemiplegia
C. anterograde amnesia
D. alexia
E. apraxia
anterograde amnesia
Isolated damage to the fornix has been reported to cause anterograde amnesia. Poikilothermia is
loss of normal thermoregulation that can result from hypothalamic injury. Hemiplegia is complete paralaysis of half of the body. It can be caused by a wide variety of medical conditions including brain and spinal cord injury. Alexia is a disorder of reading that is seen with injury of the dominant angular gyrus. Apraxia is a disorder of motor planning to perform tasks or movements. It is seen with posterior paretal cortex and corpus callosum injuries
Which of the following Fisher grades has the highest predictability of vasospasm when evaluating patients with a subarachnoid hemorrhage?
A. Grade 0
B. Grade 1
C. Grade 2
D. Grade 4
E. Grade 3
Grade 3
Thick cisternal clot increases the risk of vasospasm. In the original Fisher scale, grade 3, thick cisternal clot, has the highest risk of vasospasm but in the modified scale, grade 4, thick cisternal clot with Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH), has the highest risk of vasospasm. In the original Fisher scale, no SAH nor IVH is grade 1 while diffuse thin SAH is grade 2 without clots, and grade 3 is locaized clots iand or layers of blood greater than one mm in thickness. IVH and ICH is grade 4. In the modified Fisher scale, focal or diffuse thin subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) with no IVH is grade 1, while focal or diffuse thin SAH with IVH is grade 2. Focal or diffuse thick SAH without IVH is grade 3 and focal or diffuse thick SAH with IVH is grade 4. No SAH seen on CT head is grade 0.
Which of the following types of aphasia is characterized by severely affected ability to repeat
words, relatively normal comprehension, awareness of the speech deficit, and fluent paraphasic
A. anomic aphasia
B. expressive aphasia
C. transcortical sensory aphasia
D. global aphasia
E. conduction aphasia
conduction aphasia
Conduction aphasia is characterized by pronounced difficulty with repetion with intact comprehension and fluency in spontaneous speech. The lesion is located at the arcuate fasciculus. Patients with anomic aphasia have mild expressive language deficits in word finding especially specific nouns and verbs. Expressive (Broca’s) aphasia may result from injury to the dominant inferior frontal gyrus. Individuals with expressive aphasia have trouble speaking fluently but comprehension is relatively preserved. Transcortical sensory aphasia is an uncommon form of aphasia that may occur when a lesion functionally isolates Wernicke’s areas from the rest of the brain. This results in intact repetition and articulation, but compromised speech comprehension. Global aphasia is a severe form of nonfluent aphasia, caused by damage to the dominant hemisphere. Both receptive and expressive language skills as well as auditory and visual comprehension are compromised.
Which of the following is the most likely cause of an intracranial large vessel occlusion in a patient
with cryptogenic stroke?
A. mitral stenosis
B. paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
C. thrombophilia
D. Arterial dissection
E. Atherosclerosis
paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is one of the most common underlying causes of cryptogenic stroke and large vessel occlusion. Cryptogenic stroke has been reported as an independent marker of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Antiplatelet therapy is the mainstay of treatment. The Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment defines Acute Stroke Treatment defines cryptogenic stroke (CS) as a cerebral infarct not attributed to a definite source of cardioembolism, large-vessel atherosclerosis, or small-vessel disease, despite (1) extensive cardiac, vascular, hematologic, and serological evaluation; (2) evidence of >1 competing cause, or (3) incomplete diagnostic evaluation. The Causative Classification System definition requires a diagnostic evaluation, including brain and cerebrovascular imaging along with a cardiac evaluation. Causative Classification System divides cryptogenic stroke into 2 categories: cryptogenic embolism and other cryptogenic. Cryptogenic embolism refers to a stroke in which there is angiographic evidence of abrupt cutoff consistent with a blood clot within otherwise angiographically normal-looking intracranial arteries, imaging evidence of complete recanalization of previously occluded artery, or the presence of multiple acute infarctions that have occurred closely related in time without detectable abnormality in the relevant vessels. Other cryptogenic is reserved for those not fulfilling the criteria of cryptogenic embolism.
A 48-year-old man is evaluated because of dizziness, vertigo, and hoarseness after having
chiropractic neck manipulation. Examination shows nystagmus, paralysis of the right palate,
decreased sensation to pinprick on the right side of the face and left hemibody, and right-sided
ataxia. This patient most likely has a lesion in which of the following locations?
A. Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery
B. Vertebral artery
C. Anterior spinal artery
D. Superior Cerebellar Artery
E. Basilar artery
Vertebral artery
The patient has lateral medullary syndrome which is most commonly due to occlusion of the Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery artery, followed by the vertebral artery. However arterial pathology following chiropractic neck manipulation is most likely vertebral artery dissection which makes this the best answer to this question. Lateral medullary syndrome (Wallenberg syndrome) is comprised of vertigo with nystagmus (due to inferior vestibular nucleus and pathways), ipsilateral Horner’s (due to sympathetic fibers), contralateral pain/temperature loss (due to spinothalamic tract), and dysphonia/dysphagia/dysarthria (due to different nuclei and fibers of the IX and X nerves). Sensory loss is the most common feature (90%) which can be a combination of hemibody and/or trigeminal distributions. The other symptoms are all found in 70-75% of cases.
Which of the following is clopidogrel bisulfate’s mechanism of action in stroke prevention?
A. GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor
B. COX inhibitor
C. P2Y12 ADP antagonist
D. ATP analogue
E. PAR-1 antagonist
P2Y12 ADP antagonist
All answers are methods of platelet inhibition. The incorrect answers are: GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors (abciximab), COX inhibitors (aspirin), ATP analogues (cangrelor), and PAR-1 antagonists (vorapaxar). Clopiogrel is an irreversible, competitive P2Y12 ADP receptor antagonist. Initial platelet activation occurs through interaction of the platelet with the exposed subendothelium. Upon platelet activation ADP is released from platelet dense granules which creates a cascade of subsequent activation and recruitment to the platelet plug.
In a patient who has sustained an aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, what is the peak time for
development of symptomatic vasospasm?
A. 1-3 days
B. 4-6 days
C. 7-10 days
D. 11-14 days
E. 15-18 day
7-10 days
The risk of vasospasm peaks at day 7-10. The risk of vasospasm is low on 1-3, then increases, reaching its peak from day 7-10. After day 10 the risk of vasospasm starts decreasing again. It is rare after day 14.
The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) tests the functionality of the right hemisphere by
which of the following methods?
A. serial 7’s
B. orientation questions
C. copying a symbol
D. recall of objects
E. repeating the given sentence
copying a symbol
Copying symbols is a measure of constructional ability which is a function of the non-dominant parietal lobe. Serial 7s, orientation questions, object recall, and phrase repetition are all tests of the dominant hemisphere.
A 12-year-old boy is evaluated because of sudden severe headache, neck stiffness, and vomiting.
A CT scan of the head shows diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage. Which of the following is the most
likely cause of these findings?
A. ICA aneurysm
B. Vertebrobasilar dissecting aneurysm
C. ACA aneurysm
E. MCA aneurysm
ICA aneurysm
The correct answer is ICA aneurysm. Although most of our data regarding pediatric aneurysms comes from smaller retrospective series as these are so rare, there is general consensus that the locations for pediatric aneurysms differ from those seen in adults. The most comm site for a ruptured aneurysm in an adult is ACOM, followed by PCOM. In children, the most common site is the intracranial ICA, and in particular the ICA bifurcation. The incidence of ICA terminus aneurysms is estimated to be 5x higher in pediatric than in adult ruptured aneurysms. There is a higher incidence of giant aneurysms in the pediatric population, but these still account for a minority (10-20%) of cases in the literature. MCA aneurysm is incorrect. In the pediatric population, MCA aneurysms are approximately as commonly reported as ACA aneurysms and less common than ICA and vertebrobasilar aneurysms. There is some evidence that MCA aneurysms may be more commonly seen in children <1 year of age. AVM is incorrect. The most common cause of non-traumatic ICH in children is AVM. However, the question asks about diffuse SAH and ruptured AVM is not typically associated with SAH. Rupture of AVM-associated (feeding vessel or pre-nidal) aneurysms may result in SAH or pure IVH, in the case of a distal anterior choroidal or posterior medial choroidal artery feeding aneurysm, and so careful examination of non-invasive and angiographic images in cases of ruptured pediatric AVM is critical to identify the cases in which bleeding from the nidus is not the immediate cause of intracranial hemorrhage, be it intra-parenchymal, subarachnoid or intraventricular. ACA aneurysm is incorrect. In adults, ACOM aneurysms account for the highest single location of ruptured aneurysms. Distal ACA aneurysms are less common, and less commonly associated with rupture due to smaller vessel size and lower flow. They are a common location for mycotic aneurysms, however. In the pediatric population, ACA aneurysms are approximately as commonly reported as MCA aneurysms and less common than ICA and vertebrobasilar aneurysms. Overall, Acom aneurysms are thought to be the third most common location for pediatric ruptured aneurysms, occurring in about 12% of cases. Vertebrobasilar dissecting aneurysm is incorrect. Posterior circulation aneurysms are more common in children than in adults but are still less common than supraclinoid ICA aneurysms. There is a higher incidence of fusiform aneurysms in the pediatric population, but dissection is less likely to be a cause in this case due to the absence of trauma in the history. Spontaneous dissection causing aneurysmal dilatation or pseudoaneurysm in the pediatric population is rare, unless there is a concurrent history of a connective tissue disorder such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Type 4 or Marfan syndrome.
An increased risk for rupture of an asymptomatic intracranial aneurysm is most commonly
associated with which of the following disorders?
A. Ehler-Danlos Type 4
B. Marfan syndrome
C. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
D. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
E. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
The correct answer is autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease is not associated with aneurysm formation. The other three options are all connective tissue disorders with an increased risk of aneurysm formation however are less common than ADPKD (1:2000). Amongst patients with ADPKD, 10% will have unruptured incidental aneurysm compared to 3% of the general population. The rupture risk is also x4 compared to standard unruptured incidental aneurysm.
Which of the following types of aphasia is characterized by preserved repetition?
A. expressive aphasia
B. global aphasia
C. conduction aphasia
D. transcortical motor aphasia
E. receptive aphasia
transcortical motor aphasia
Transcortical motor aphasia resembles expressive aphasia but patients are able to repeat. The
other aphasia syndromes listed demonstrate impaired repetition.
The most reliable method of differentiating CSF rhinorrhea from other forms of rhinorrhea is
A. target test
B. glucose oxidized test
C. chlorine concentration
D. beta-2 transferrin
E. glucose concentration
beta-2 transferrin
Beta-2 transferrin is only found in CSF, perilymph, and vitreous humor and is thus a marker with extremely high sensitivity and specificity. The target sign also called a double ring sign or a Halo sign is tested for by applying the fluid sample to filter paper. When positive, the target sign suggests that CSF is mixed with blood or nasal discharge as CSF moves away on the filter paper and blood moves closer, such that two rings are visible. The CSF glucose level from nasal or ear secretions can be used to test for CSF leak. Glucose oxidase strips show positive results when the sample has a concentration of glucose over 20 mg/dL. Nasal discharge has a normal concentration of 10 mg/dL of glucose, thus, if the glucose test is negative the presence of CSF can be ruled out. However, there is a high false positive rate since hyperglycemia, epithelial inflammation, and bacterial infection may confound the result. Identification of glucose in combination with chlorine concentration of 100 mEq/L in nasal secretion has also been reported for the identification of CSF.
Which of the following racial groups has the highest prevalence of intracranial atherosclerotic
A. caucasian
B. native american
C. african american
D. asian
E. no difference between racial grouops
african american
Intracranial atherosclerosis is considered to be more frequent in African American when compared to other racial groups. In the United States, it disproportionately affects African American, Latin Americans, and Asian Americans, and it is associated with multiple modifiable risk factors including smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes.
A healthy right-hand dominant 17-year-old boy has a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. MR image
of the brain shows an arteriovenous malformation of the left posterior superior temporal gyrus that
is 2.5 cm in diameter and has venous drainage into the basal vein of Rosenthal. Which of the
following is the most likely Spetzler-Martin grade?
A. Grade 1
B. Grade 2
C. Grade 3
D. Grade 4
E. Grade 5
Grade 3
This patient receives 1 point for eloquent cortex, 1 point for deep venous drainage, and considering that the size of the AVM is less than 3 cm, the patient receives another 1 point. All together this patient has grade 3 AVM on the Spetzler-Martin grading system. If the venous drainage is superficial only, patient receives 0 points and if the area involved is non-eloquent, then the patient receives 0 points. Patients receive 2 points for AVM sizes between 3-6cm, and those with AVM sizes more than 6 cm receive 3 points. Spetzler-Martin grading system predicts the risk associated with surgical resection of the AVM, and the higher the grade the more the surgical risks.
Which of the following is the most appropriate first-line treatment for symptomatic intracranial
atherosclerotic disease?
A. observation with tight blood pressure control
B. anticoagulation
C. Surgical intervention
D. endovascular treatment
E. antiplatelet medication
antiplatelet medication
Stict control of atherosclerotic risk factors and medical management with antithrombotic therapy preferably with antiplatelet medications is the first-line treatment of patients with symptomatic intracranial atherosclerotic disease. Open revascularization and endovascular therapy with balloon
angioplasty and stenting should be considered in elegible patients with failure of medical therapy.
A 24-year-old woman experiences pain in the anterior aspect of the neck after vigorous exercise.
Examination shows ptosis, miosis, and contralateral paresis. Which of the following is the most
appropriate diagnostic study?
A. Diagnostic cerebral angiogram
B. CT angiography
C. MRI angiography
E. Carotid ultrasound
CT angiography
This young patient with sudden onset ptosis and miosis likely has carotid artery dissection due to trauma to the artery with vigorous exercise. This would cause anterior neck pain. Hemiparesis could be related to thromboembolic phenomenon or decreased perfusion. In an emergent setting CT/ CTA is the best modality for initial evaluation. CT angiogram (CTA) can be quickly obtained with a head CT to look for hemorrhage and stroke, and it is less invasive than cerebral angiography. MRI/ MRA are less sensitive for carotid dissection and more time consuming with limited availability at many hospitals. Diagnostic cerebral angiogram is an invasive test and more time consuming than CT/CTA and is generally not needed for the diagnosis of carotid dissection. Carotid ultrasound is also a less sensitive modality than CTA for carotid dissection.
A 55-year-old man with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is brought to the emergency department two
hours after the acute onset of left facial droop, hemiparesis, and slurred speech. The patient is on
aspirin therapy. CT scans of the head are shown. Which of the following is the most appropriate
initial step in management?
A. intravenous thrombolysis alone
B. intraarterial thrombolysis alone
C. endovascular intervention alone
D. medical management
E. intravenous thrombolysis followed by endovascular intervention
intravenous thrombolysis followed by endovascular intervention
Intravenous thrombolysis is recommended in eligible patients presenting within 4.5 hours of symptom onset. Mechanical thrombectomy is recommended in patients with large vessel occlusion within 6 hours of presentation, and may be considered in selected patients up to 16 to 24 hours of last known normal. Atrial fibrillation is a frequent cause of stroke and medical management should entail anticoagulation for patients with a CHAD2 score of >2. Aspirin is not considered effective for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation.
For each condition, select the most likely associated finding (A-E).
Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
A. Trigeminal nerve palsy
B. Facial nerve palsy
C. Pupillary dilation
D. Optic nerve atrophy
E. Ocular motor nerve palsy
Ocular motor nerve palsy
According to the International Headache Society (IHS) 3rd guidelines Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is a clinical combination of unilateral periorbital pain with cranial nerve 3, 4 or 6 palsy. Cranial nerve palsy occurs within 2 weeks of headache onset. The causes of this sydrome classically include aneurysm, trauma, tumour, or inflammation affecting the cavernous sinus however the IHS guidelines specifically refer to a granulomatous cause. Optic, trigeminal, facial or parasymapthetic nerves can also be involved but are not required to meet the diagnostic criteria.
A 35-year-old woman comes to the emergency department because of new onset left hemiparesis.
Past medical history is significant for three miscarriages and a deep venous thrombosis ten years
ago. CT scan of the head and MR imaging of the brain show new areas of ischemic stroke. Her
workup should include which of the following tests?
A. heparin-PF4 antibodies
C. von-willebrand factor
D. anticardiolipin antibodies
E. factor X deficiency
anticardiolipin antibodies
Antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune, hypercoagulable state caused by antiphospholipid antibodies that can be primary or secondary to other autoimmune diseases such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Diagnostic criteria include a clinical event related to thrombosis or pregnancy complications and two positive blood test results for lupus anticoagulant, antiapolipoprotein antibodies, or anti-cardiolipin antibodies. Treatment consists of anticoagulation therapy to prevent further thrombotic events.
The cranial nerve most commonly involved in CNS sarcoidosis is the
The facial nerve is most commonly involved with CNS sarcoidosis and is seen in 25-50% of cranial neuropathy cases associated with CNS sarcoidosis. Cranial neuropathy of neurosarcoidosis can involve one or multiple cranial nerves simultaneously. CN III, IV, V, and VI neuropathies are rarely seen with CNS sarcoidosis.
A 24-year-old woman is referred for evaluation because of recurrent seizures refractory to medical therapy. MR images are shown. Which of the following is the most likely nonhemorrhagic postoperative complication following microsurgical resection of this lesion?
A. Wound infection
B. Permanent mutism
C. Temporary akinesia
D. Deep vein thrombosis
E. Right leg weakness
Temporary akinesia
The correct answer is temporary akinesia. Resection of this lesion, which is located in the left superior frontal gyrus, is often associated with supplementary motor area syndrome, the clinical sequelae of which include global akinesia on the contralateral side, with preserved muscle strength and mutism. This syndrome typically completely resolve within weeks to months – although the timeline is variable, a full recovery is typically observed within about 3 months. The incidence of SMA syndrome after dorsomedial prefrontal lobe surgery ranges widely in the literature but has been reported at anywhere from 25% to near 100%. The higher the proportion of the anatomical SMA that is resected, the higher chance of observing the clinical syndrome. Permanent mutism is not a correct answer. Mutism is associated with SMA syndrome, but the condition is temporary and spontaneous speech tends to recover suddenly, but patients may have difficulties with speech fluency problems for a longer period of time. A full recovery can be expected in most cases. Wound infection is not the correct answer. The expected incidence of infection after craniotomy for brain tumors is 2-4%. Deep vein thrombosis is not the correct answer. The incidence of DVT after craniotomy for brain tumor in national database analyses is approximately 2.5%. Right leg weakness could be related to a right ACA infarction and is not the correct answer. The incidence of symptomatic ischemic stroke has been reported to occur in approximately 15% of patients undergoing resection of low grade gliomas, most commonly among patients undergoing recurrent surgery or with insular lesions.