Various Flashcards
a tear appeared in the mainsail
Because of this, a tear appeared in the mainsail. This tear is repairable but it won’t allow me to use the full mainsail until then.
Adjective: stranded
1. Cut off or left behind
Verb: strand
- Leave stranded or isolated with little hope of rescue
- Drive (a vessel) ashore
- Bring to the ground
The Frenchman, who set off at the beginning of October, abandoned his yacht on Friday after it lost its mast and its hull was damaged in rough weather.
Noun: luff
- (nautical) the forward edge of a fore-and-aft sail that is next to the mast
- The act of sailing close to the wind
Verb: luff
- Sail close to the wind
- Flap when the wind is blowing equally on both sides
“Virbac-Paprec 3 went to the luff and was pushed on its side.
close quarters
- a narrow cramped space or position
at close quarters
a. engaged in hand-to-hand combat
b. in close proximity; very near together
is the movement of a vessel laterally, away from the intended course
vessels wake
n jūr. kilvateris; (laivo ir pan. sukeltas) srautas, bangavimas;
in the wake kilvateriu
² in smb’s/smth’s wake iš paskos; įkandin;
in the wake of po; dėl
bail3 v
1 išsemti/išpilti vandenį (iš valties; t. p. bail
leash [li:ʃ] ↪ n 1 saitas, pavadėlis, pasaitas; to hold in leash a) laikyti už pasaito; b) prk. @ laikyti už pavadžio; 2 medž. trys šunys, trys kiškiai ir pan. ◊ to be straining at the leash degti iš nekantrumo; veržtis į laisvę ↪ v 1 užrišti (šuniui) pasaitą/pavadėlį 2 laikyti už pasaito
He follows every move closely, and not only the sail performance. He keeps his eyes as well on the movements of the crew. “Leash”, he yells when someone leaves his spot without securing.
bucket [ˈbʌkɪt]
↪ n
1 kibiras, kibirėlis
2 (žemsemės) kaušas, samtis
◊ to give the bucket atleisti iš darbo;
to kick the bucket šnek. mirti, @ užversti/pakratyti kojas;
to weep/cry buckets šnek. (smarkiai) žliumbti;
by the bucket šnek. gausiai;
to sweat buckets šnek. smarkiai prakaituoti;
to rain buckets šnek. lyti/pilti kaip iš kibiro
↪ v
1 semti
2 varyti (arklį) iš paskutiniųjų; nutrūktgalviškai, galvotrūkčiais lėkti (t. p. bucket along)
3 šnek. pilti (apie lietų; t. p. bucket down)
stubborn [‹st™b…n] a
1 užsispyręs, nenuolaidus;
to be stubborn užsispirti, spyriotis
2 atkaklus; sunkiai įveikiamas/veikiantis ir pan.;
stubborn opposition/resistance atkaklus pasipriešinimas;
stubborn illness sunkiai pagydoma liga;
stubborn stains sunkiai pašalinamos dėmės
regatta [rɪˈgætə] n regata, irkluotojų/buriuotojų varžybos
↪ v
1 eiti/judėti lėtai/atsargiai
2 judinti/stumti pamažu (ppr. inch along/forward)
□ inch up kilti/didėti pamažu (apie infliaciją, kainas ir pan.)
When a sailboat racing next to you is inching ahead moment by moment younlearn quickly the importance of accurate sail trim.
crux [krʌks] n (ko) svarbiausias dalykas, sunkiausia (ko) dalis;
the crux of the matter dalyko esmė
rookie [ˈrukɪ] n amer. šnek. naujokas (ypač kar., sport.)
Don’t show up as a rookie!
begin making it ready for
you must get on the vessel and begin making it ready for departure.