Various Flashcards
What are the shockable ECG rhythms?
Pulseless ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia
What are the non shockable ECG rhythms?
asystole and pulseless electrical activity
What do you administer to a patient with an unshockable ECG rhythm and how much?
adrenaline - 1mg
How do you calculate the HR on an ECG?
300 divided by the number of large squares between each R wave
What should the PR interval be?
less that 0.2 seconds/5 small squares
What should the QRS compelx be?
less than 0.12 seconds (3 small squares)
What shows up black on an Xray?
What shows up dark grey on an Xray?
What shows up light grey on an Xray?
soft tissue and fluid
what shows up white on an xray?
what shows up intense white on an xray?
What are inappropriate sites/contraindications of venupuncture?
Oedematous or cellulitic areas, haematoma, scarred area, same area/arm as transfusion or infusion, arm on side of previous mastectomy, AV fistula or vascular grafts
What are you looking for in urinalysis?
Protein, glucose, ketones, nitrites, blood, leucocytes, bilirubin, pH and specific gravity
When should urine be tested and from what part of the stream?
mid stream and within 15 minutes of collecting sample
What might a UTI show on urinalysis?
nitrites and leucocytes
What are the main sies for IM injection and how much can be administered there?
Deltoid - 1ml Dorsal gluteal - 4ml Vastus lateralis - 5ml (fast) Ventral gluteal - 2.5ml
caecum and ascending colon
descending colon
Large bowel dilatation
psoas muscles
Riglers sign - where both sides of the bowel wall become visible because of the free gas surrounding the bowel
small bowel dilatation
What is the blood tube order of draw?
Blood culture
Light blue - sodiumcitrate
red - no additive (rarely used)
Green (heparinised)
Purple - EDTA
Pink (cross-match)
Grey (fluoride oxalate)
Dark blue
What dose of oxygen and what device would you give in cardiac or respiratory arrest?
100% 02 using non rebreather
What dose of oxygen and what device would you give in hypoxaemia with a paCO2 less than 5.3kPa?
40-60% with a simple face mask
How do you measure fundal height?
From pubic symphysis to highest fundal point
Glossitis and angular stomatitis - fe deficiency
BCC with pearling and telengectasia
Acitinic keratoses
A = splinter haemmorhages
B = oncholysis with pitting in psoriasis
C = beaus lines
Target lesions of Steven-Johnsons syndrome
Malignant melanoma
thyroid acropachy
Grade 1 hypertensive retinopathy - increased tortuosity of retinal vessel and silver wiring
Grade 2 hypertensive retinopathy
double arrow: increased toruosity and silver wiring
single arrow: AV nipping
Grade 3 hypertensive retinopathy: same as grade 2 but also flame shaped retinal haemmorhages and cotton wool spots
Grade 4 hypertensive retinopathy: papillodema, hard exudates around the fovea (macula star), retinal oedema
Arrow showing site of stenosis in circumflex coronary artery
LM: left main
LAD: left anterior descending
CXR of Heart Failure
Patchy widespread consolidation
Kerly B Lines
Erythema nodosum
Asterixis in CO2 retention
Consolidation and cavitation in both upper zones (TB)
Collapsed middle right lobe - straight line showing the collapsed lobe
Right upper lobe consolidation containing air bronchograms
CT thorax showing dilated bronchioles of bronchiectasis
Left pleural effusion
CT thorax showing left lung cancer
Why do you get palmar erythema and spider naevi in liver disease?
Increased oestrogen levels due to decreased breakdown of sex steroids