Variational Methods Flashcards
what is the goal of using variational methods
- to minimise a functional
say we have a functional J that depends on the function u(x). What would you (simply) do to find the u that minimises J
- take the directional derivative of J and set it to 0
what is the euler lagrange equation
- dF/dy - d/dx*(dF/dy’) = 0
what is the arc length element ds in cylindrical coordinates
- ds = sqrt(dr^2 + r^2*dθ^2 + dz^2)
what is the arc length element ds in spherical coordinates
- ds = sqrt(dr^2 + r^2dθ^2 + r^2sin(θ)^2*dφ^2)
what are the three steps for solving constrained problems via lagrange problems
- multiply constraints G_i = 0 by lagrange multipliers λ and add these to the functional J that is to be minimised subject to the constraints, to form the functional I = J + Σλ_i*G_i
- take directional derivatives of I wrt lagrange multipliers and variables in the problem
- set each of the directional derivatives to 0 and solve to find the unknown functions
what are the three steps for deriving the weak form of a differential equation
- multiply the differential equation by an arbitrary weight function
- integrate over the domain
- apply integration by parts if possible and insert Nuemann boundary conditions
what is the dirichlet condition for the poisson equation
- u = 0 on dV
- dV refers to the subscript of the integral wrt dS
what is the neumann condition for the poisson equation
- ∇u.n = h on the boundary
- if u or v = 0 at some point on ‘dV’ then h = 0
what is the form of the trial function youre looking for an approximate solution for in numerical methods
- u_bar = Σ(i=1 to n) c_i*φ_i
- φ_i = pre-chosen basis function
- c_i and n = unknowns to be found
if a differential equation cant be solved in closed form, what are the two techniques used to obtain approximate solutions
- rayleigh-ritz method
- galerkin method
what are the steps for the rayleigh-ritz method
- define the functional I for which you wish to find stationary points
- choose a combination of linearly independent functions that will be used to approximate the solution (basis functions)
- the basis functions must satisfy the dirichlet condition (u=0 on S_g)
- insert the approximate solution into the functional that is now denoted by I_h
- take the directional derivative of I_h wrt the unknown amplitudes of the basis functions
- determine the amplitudes of the basis functions which yield a stationary point of I_h
when does using the galerkin method work
- it works on the weak form of PDE which is restricted to the space of finite dimension
- its a methods of weighted residuals where weight function = basis function
when does using the rayleigh-ritz method work
- it works on the variational form which is restricted to the space of finite dimension