Index Notation 1 Flashcards
What are the 4 key points to note for index notation
- every sum goes with an index which is repeated twice
- non-repeated indices are not summed
- do not write the summation symbol as a repeated index implies summation
- an index may not appear more than twice on one side of an equality
how would you write x.y, [Ax]i and [AB]ij in index notation
- x.y = xi*yi
- [Ax]i = Aij*xj
- [AB]ij = Aik*Bkj
What does the i in [Ax]i or ij in [AB]ij tell you
- that these are the indices staying ‘constant’ and not being summed over
- so it is the index not being repeated
what does the kronecker delta δij represent and how is it defined
- the kronecker delta represents the identity matrix I
- δij = {1 for i = j, 0 for i != j
the same way Iy = y, what does δij*yj equal and why
- δij*yj = yi
- because of the rule that the index ‘attached’ to the expression is the one that stays constant and is not being summed over
- basically the reverse logic of what the i in [Ax]i represents
how do you express the cross product in index notation
- the permutation symbol ε_ijk
what is the permutation symbol ε_ijk defined as (three points)
- ε_ijk = 1 if (ijk) is an even permutation of (1,2,3)
- ε_ijk = -1 if (ijk) is an odd permutation of (1,2,3)
- ε_ijk = 0 otherwise
why does ε_312 = 1
- because to obtain 312 from 123, you need to perform two swaps
- swap 3 and 1 to get 321, then 2 and 1 to get 312
- two swaps = even permutation = 1
why does ε_112 = 0
- because there are no number of swaps you can do to get 123 to 112
how would you write the cross product [x x(cross) y]i using the permutation symbol
- [x cross y]i = ε_ijkxjyk
- again, the i does not get repeated on the RHS
after seeing a bunch of examples, what does the advantage of index notation seem to be
- we can turn vector calculus into simpler multiplication problems
what does cyclic permutation mean in how ε_ijk can be represented
- ε_ijk = ε_kij = ε_jki
- you can move the front index to the back and the permutation symbol is equal
what are ε_ijk = ε_kij = ε_jki individually equal to and what is the trick to know how
- ε_ijk = -ε_jik
- ε_kij = -ε_ikj
- ε_jki = -ε_kji
- the trick is to swap the first two indices then the ε becomes negative
what is the contracted epsilon identity relating ε_ijk and δ_ij and how can you remember this
- ε_ijkε_klm = δ_ilδ_jm - δ_im*δ_jl
- the RHS will have no k’s
- the first δ will have the first ‘valid’ indices of the first and second ε
- the second δ will have the second ‘valid’ ones
- the third and fourth δs are just the first two with their second index swapped
for the expression ε_ijk*ε_klm, the 2 k’s mean that this is being summed over k. say i=1, j=2, l=1 and m=3. what would this expression ‘expanded’ actually look like and equal and why
- ‘summed over k’ means that there will be 3 versions of the expression that are summed for k=1, 2 and 3
- ε_ijkε_klm = ε_121ε_113 + ε_122ε_213 + ε_123ε_313 = 0 + 0 + 0 = 0
what is [a x (b x c)]i equivalent to in dot product form
- [a x (b x c)]i = [b . (a . c) - c . (a . b)]i
- “bac-cab” trick