value laden vs value free Flashcards
the cycle
individual values -> influence choice of research -> influence methods of research -> influence interpretation of data -> recognition of the impact of research on society -> starts again!
what is the spectrum of this debate?
.1 .2 .3
- sociology is a science, must be free from personal/political bias (value free)
- personal values shouldn’t intrude but it is impossible to keep them out (value laden)
- sociology is a tool used to bring about social change, it is not just an academic subject (committed sociology)
value free sociology
- positivists say objective sociology is possible (Durkheim/Conte)
- external reality/ ‘social facts’ exists
- Karl Marx believed he was objective AND committed to a cause- possible?
- Methods tend to be quantitative
- sociology is a science
value laden sociology
We can’t hep but have values enter research because:
- historical context- whether personal values inevitably influence research choice
- funding- people who fund it have a reason and can block publication if results are not what they want
- careers- all sociologists have career goals and personal ambition- Kuhn “sociologists study ‘fashionable’ subjects”
- personal interests- sociologists are ‘normal’ people and we all hold beliefs
e.g Plumer (2000) published widely on sexal issues and ‘queer theory’ due to being gay
value laden postmodern critique and how it is addressed
-postmodern critique- Lyotard (1984)- science is nothing different and is also based on values
We see sociologists address the presence of values through…
- reflexivity: sociologists write up what their beliefs are and how they may have influenced their research (honest about it)
- narratives: different viewpoints and voices are included alongside that of the researcher to provide more than just their own viewpoint.
Committed sociology
e.g critical/radical sociologists (marxists/fem) hold clear values and write for a reason
- liberal view: sociology should be sympathetic to disadvantaged groups (Becker took side of the ‘underdog’- those labeled deviant need protection), he felt aiming for the ‘best’ sociology was important and should be as objective as possible WHILE writing for a cause
-radical view: Gouldner- all sociologists want to be published and employed + these desires can intrude on their research, sociology cannot be value free and it is a myth
- marxist: Althusser (1969) role of sociology is to uncover ruling class exploitation of the poor. Sociology is a science but felt it should still promote radical change
standpoint theory
using your background and experience provides valuable insights and more valid data
e.g being black and female can give a unique perspective
criticism of comitted sociology
- it is little more than personal opinion
- value laden means low validity (they will find out what they want to find out, like feminists look for patriarchy)
- right anf wrong are personal and can’t be tested or quantified