positivism vs interpretivism Flashcards
empathetic understanding of human behaviour, walking in someone else’s shoes
social construction means
phenomena that is created by society and not naturally occuring, this varies from culture to culture
interpretivist sociologists examples
weber, garfinkle, bulmer, goffman, cooley, mead, husserl
what type of data do interpetivists prefer?
qualitative, methods like unstructured interviews, observations and open questionnaires
types of interpretivism: interactionism
- there can be causal explanation in sociology but there is no need for a hypothesis before starting research
- by starting with a hypothesis, Glaser and Strauss argue that researchers run the risk of imposing their own views on the data rather than those of the actors being researched
- instead there should be a grounded theory which means allowing ideas to emerge as the data is collected which can later be used to produce a hypothesis (inductive)
types of intepretivism: phenomenology and ethnomethodology
- rejects the idea that there can be a cause or explanation for human behaviour and that society is not out there determining our actions
- they argue instead that society is a shared set of meanings and knowledge
- thet are interested in finding out what these shared meanings are and where they come from
induction (positivist)
accumulating data about the world through careful observation and measurement
the relationships between cause and effect, how one stimuli can lead to a certain action
interpetivist approach to sociological research
to understand the world aronud you, empathy is required in order to understand the meanings attached to the action
positivist approach to sociological research
sociology should approach research the same way as natural sciences, it should be objective and logical
what type of data and methods do positivists prefer
quanitative, methods such as closed questions, structured interviews, experiments
positivist sociologists
durkheim, comte
what sociological pespectives are positivist?
structural approaches like functionalism, feminism and marxism
what sociological pespectives are interpetivist?
social action theories like symbolic interactionism, phenomenology and ethnomethodology
why do positivists require objective quantitative research?
- this leads them to uncover and measure patterns which will lead them to create the social facts that govern society
- enable to discover the cause and effect that determine human behaviour
- research should be detached from subjective feelings and interpretations, so that it is factual and scientific