Valuation Module 2 Flashcards
Name the conventional methods of valuation?
- Direct comparison
- Investment
- Residual
- Profit (accounts)
- Cost (DRC (Depreciated replacement cost))
What are contemporary valuation methods?
- Market
- Income
- Cost
What makes a property transaction comparable to the property being valued?
Similarities in physical, location, time, use and tenure.
How many comparables are needed to produce a valuation?
Enough to establish a clear tone of valuation.
What is the longest time period before a valuation date that a transaction could be accepted as comparable?
Depends on the property, location, and market (static 6m ok but not in a rapidly changing market).
What do you understand by the expression weighting of comparable evidence?
Attaching the most weight to the greatest similarities.
What is the hierarchy of evidence?
Ranking transactions by transactions type, starting with open market, then lease renewal, then rent review, then expert witness and finally arbitration.
What is interpolation?
Valuing between known points. Value up from bottom and down from top. Statistically preferable.
What is extrapolation?
Working outside of known points. Considered statistically dangerous. Limitations must be disclosed. E.g after covid the known points were thrown up in the air.
What is the purpose of zoning?
To analyse and value retail units with different frontage to depth ratios, ie. the shapes differ.
What is the standard zone depth?
6.1m. Scotland 9.14m.
How would you arrive at the market rent for the first floor of a retail unit?
Depends on its use.
Retail: zoneA/10
Other: Comparison sales method
How would you arrive at the market rent of a retail unit with a return frontage?
Uplift the zone rate where the frontage exists.
How would you value a through unit (frontage at both ends)?
Zone back from both frontages.
How would you determine the market value of an investment property let on IRI terms?
Work out net income by deducting repairing, insurance, and management cost, then capitalise this, using appropriate yield.
How do you calculate the ARY?
Income/capital value as a percentage.
What factors make up the ARY?
ARY implicitly factors all known risks associated with:
1. Property (condition, ESG, flexibility, maintenance etc).
2. Market
3. Tenant
4. Rent
5. Wault
6. Lease terms
7. Rental growth
What is the market capitalisation rate?
ARY All risks yield
How would you value a green field site with planning permission for residential?
Use a residual valuation method.
How do you carry out a residual valuation?
Calculate the sales value.
Deduct the development costs.
Deduct the developer profits.
Giving the site value.
What costs do you deduct in a residual valuation.
- Site clearance
- Construction
- Professional fees
- Finance
- Contingency
- Disposal
- Acquisition
How do you calculate developers’ profit in a residual valuation?
- As a percentage of gross development value
Or - As a percentage of total costs