Valuation Methods and Techniques Flashcards
What are the five methods of valuation?
- Comparable Method 2. Investment Method 3. Profits Method 4. Depreciated Replacement Cost (DRC) Method 5. Residual Method
What steps would you take when using the comparable method of valuaton?
- Search and select comparables 2. Verify the details 3. Assemble into a schedule 4. Adjust using the hierarchy of evidence 5. Analyse HR to NER 6. Report value and prepare file note
What do you know about the hierarchy of evidence?
- Open Market Letting 2. Lease Renewal 3. Rent Review 4. 3rd Party Determination 5. Sale and Leaseback 6. Inter-company Transactions
How would you go about finding comparables?
Speak to agents Look for agents boards Internal databases External databases - CoStar, Egi Auction Results - BE CAREFUL
Why do you have to be careful when using auction results as comparables?
They are gross prices Be careful of special purchasers / insolvency sales
What makes a good comparable?
One with similar characteristics
What is crucial consideration in a volatile market?
Date of the transaction
What is important at the moment when valuing retail assets?
Market sentiment and up to date market knowledge to accompany comparable evidence
Is there any RICS information that you know of relating to the comparable method of valuation?
Yes RICS Guidance Note: Comparable evidence in real estate valuation (2019)
What is the profits method of valuation used for?
Trade Related Property / where there is a ‘monopoly’ position e.g. pubs, hotels, petrol stations, nurseries, healthcare
Why is the profits method of valuation used for trade related property?
Because the value depends on the profit generated from the business rather than the property itself Think pub owner selling to pub owner
What do you need to undertake a valuation using the profits method?
3 years of accurate audited accounts
When undertaking a valuation using the profits method of valuation, do you need to adjust the accounts for anything?
Yes any exceptional items and also maturity of the business
How would you value a trade related property if it was a new business?
Use estimate accounts / business plan
Talk me through the process of undertaking a valuation using the profits method.
Annual Turnover Less Costs / Purchases = GROSS PROFIT Less Reasonable working expenses = Unadjusted net profit Less Operator’s remuneration = Adjusted Net Profit (EBITDA) CAPITALISED AT A YIELD Cross check with comparable sales evidence if possible
When would you use the Depreciated Replacement cost method of valuation?
Where evidence is limited / unavailable for specialist property for example churches, sewage works, lighthouses, schools
What is the DRC used for?
Owner occupied property, accounts / rating valuation of specialist property
Is DRC Red Book?
NO, because it is not used for selling a property therefore not calculating MV
Can the DRC method be used for secured lending purposes?
What can the DRC method be used for?
MV of specialist properties only for valuations for financial statements
How would you undertake a DRC valuation?
Value of the site with planning consent for existing use Plus current cost to replace the building (incl. fees) Less a discount for depreciation, obsolescence / deterioration