Valuation Flashcards
Wovon macht man seine Entscheidungen welche Methode (APV / WACC) abhängig
Unterscheidung WACC und APV:
- richtig angewandt, erreichen beide Methoden das gleiche Resultat
- WACC mit einem konstanten Diskontierungssatz anzuwenden ist nur richtig wenn der Verschuldungsgrad konstant bleibt
- APV bietet sich besonders an bei feststehendem Zins- und Tilgungsplan und ermöglicht eine getrennte Betrachtung von Investitions- und Finanzierungseffekten
Free Cas Flow to Firm
- expected after-tax cash flow generated by a company of a project as if it were financed entirely with equity capital
- CF available to capital providers.
- Cash available
- to repay debt
- (re)investment
- dividens/share repurchases
-> Net amount of cash after expanses, taxes and changes in net working capital
FCFF Formel
FCFF = EBIT*(1-Tc)+Depr. - CAPX - ΔNWC
ΔNWC = NWCt - NWCt-1
“Earnings before interest and taxes”
= Umsatzerlöse - Betriebsaufwand - Abschreibung
= Erlöse - HK - Abschreibungen
= Revenue - COGS - Depr.
COGS = “Cost of Goods Sold”
Tc = Steuern / (EBIT - Zinsaufwand)
Net Working Capital
= Umlaufvermögen - Liquide Mittel - Kurz. Verbindl.
- “Erhöhung des Umlaufvermögens
Capital Expenditures
- “Investitionsausgaben ins Anlagevermögen”
- “Kapitalaufwendungen”
Net Income
Net Income = EBIT - Zinsen - Taxes
WACC with and without corporate taxes
Without Corporate Taxes:
- WACC is constant
With Corporate Taxes:
- WACC declines as the firm increases its reliance on debt financing and the interest tax shield grows
Ewige Rente
VL = FCFF/(rwacc - g)
WACC and the cost of debt
- if debt is risk free = use the risk free rate
- if debt is risky: Default risk involved
- Zero Bond yield curve of the matching rating class
WACC and the target Capital structure
- should be the target capital structure for the particular project under consideration
- Common Mistake
- Using D/V of the firm undertaking the project
- Using D/V of the projects financing (e.g. using 100% if project is all debt financed)
Equity & Debt
Equity = # of shares * share price
Debt = Value of outstanding bonds + book value of non traded debt
Free Cash Flow to Equity
- Valuation Method for the Equity Value
- Expected CF to Equity Holders
- Cash avaiable for
- investment in projects
- distribution to common shareholders
- We explicity calculate the FCFF available to EQUITY HOLDERS after taking into account all payments to & from debt holders
- Discounted using the equity cost of capital
FCFE - Formel
FCFE = FCFF - (1 - T)*(interest payments) + Net Borr.
FCFE = Net Income + Depr. - CAPX - ΔNWC + Net Borr.