Validity and Reliability of diagnostic test Flashcards
Ability of a diagnostic test to distinguish between who have the disease and who do not have the disease
Have the disease SNOUT - Rule out the disease, True positive rate
Distinguish those who do not have the diseae; True negative rate; Spin ; rule in the disease
Ability of the test result to produce the same result when repeated multiple times.
Intra subject variation
- Intra-subject -Within subjects; same observers measures the same thing more than once
Intra - observer
- Intra-observer - same observer measures the same thing more than once
Inter observer
Inter-observer ; different observers measures the same thing
Construct validity
“Are we measuring what we actually mean to measure?” (Construct validity)
* If we want to create a scale that measures happiness, are we really measuring happiness? Or
are we measuring extroversion? Or feeling energetic? Or enthusiasm? Or absence of
Content validity
“Are we capturing the entire spectrum of the outcome?” (Content validity)
* If we want to rate mental health, is our scale capturing all aspects of mental health? Or just the
presence or absence of depression?
Criteron validity
“Is the scale that we’ve developed correlated with the things that it should be?” (Criterion validity)
* Is there a correlation between emotional distress and loneliness? (Note: not necessarily a causal
relationship; any association may do)
* Is there an inverse correlation between age and mobility?
Face validity
“Does this look right?” (Face validity)
* This is a subjective measure and one where you might not always want it (e.g. “Do you beat
your kids” may have face validity when it comes to determining child abuse, but probably will
not be answered honestly”)
External validity
External validity or generalizable: the extent to which study findings
can be generalized or applied to populations, settings, and times,
other than those used in the study.
* Assessment of external validity:
* No simple formula
* Judgment, subject matter knowledge, population knowledge
Internal validity
Internal validity: the extent to which a study accurately measures or
tests what is intended to be measured or tested
* A study without internal validity is not generalizable
* Therefore: internal validity is always more important