Validity Flashcards
The extent to which a test accurately measures what it is intended to measure
The degree to which an assessment tool produces stable & consistent results
Ensures all conditions are as similar as possible for all individuals a who are given the test
Validity; CTT
1st period (1900-1950)= content-related validity (content & face validity)
2nd period (1950-1970)= criterion-related validity (concurrent & predictive validity)
3rd period (1970-current)= construct-related validity (convergent & discriminant validity)
Construct validity
Content, criterion & construct
Content-related validity
Systematic review of the test content to determine if items cover a representative sample of the universe behaviours to be measured & to determine if the choice of items is appropriate & relevant
Global, mostly non-statistical procedure
Content-related validity; panel of experts (raters)
A consultation with experts in area of evaluated construct, analyse the representativeness of items in relation to theory on construct & assist in adequacy of items to the target pop
Average of 5 judges
Agreement rate of 80% expected between judges
Asked to make suggestions of improvement
Content-related validity; pilot study
Procedure seeks to verify whether items have been well understood by target audience
Content validity can be demonstrated statistically by item analysis
Content-related validity; face validity
Not a statistical or numerical technique
Regards whether a test is an apparent measure of its associated criterion
Involves language & layout- the way content is presented
The test should look good to test takers
Content validity procedures
1) setting test goals
2) selection of the universe of behaviours that appear to measure the construct (pool of items)
3) item development
4) item analysis
5) final choice of test items
Criterion-related validity
Extent to which a measure is related to either a present or future outcome
Such evidence is provided by high correlations between a test & well-defined criterion measure (ideal is above 0.5)
Criterion will depend on type of construct evaluated e.g. academic performance or group dynamics
Criterion is a standard on which a test will be compared against
Criterion-related validity; Concurrent-validity
Derived from assessments of simultaneous relationship between year & criterion such as between learning disability test & school performance
Involves determining the current status of a person in relation to some classification scheme, such as diagnostic categories
Criterion-related validity; predictive validity
The extent to which a score on a scale or test predicts scores on some criterion
Construct-related validity; construct validity
The degree to which a test measured what it claims or purports to be measuring
Whether a scale or test measures construct adequately
From the construct validity, the degree to which a person has a certain characteristic is inferred
Failures in the validation process may stem from instrument, it’s administration or the theory
Construct-related validity; convergent validity
Degree to which 2 instruments measuring the same construct are theoretically & empirically related
Ideal correlation is above 0.5