Psychometric Models: CTT vs IRT Flashcards
Latent variables
Latent variables= constructs are unobserved, hidden or latent variables inferred from the data collected on related observable variables
SEM= multivariate stats analysis technique used to analyse structural relationships among observable & unobserved (latent) variables
Implies a structure for the covariences between the observed variables
Latent variable models
The relationship between the observable & the unobservable quantities is described by a mathematical function
Classical test theory
Behavioural perspective
Measures the overall score on a test
Manifest behaviour is the unique reason representation of a construct, with no consideration to latent traits
Assumes the existence of the measurement error
Therefore aims to elaborate strategies (statistics) to control or evaluate the magnitude of error
Unit of analysis is the whole test (item sum or mean)
Item response theory
Cognitive perspective
The answer a subject gives to an item depends on his or her level on the latent trait, the magnitude of his or her theta
Proposes the validation of items & not of tests
This favours the composition of large groups of independent items that can be used to create or customise different tests for different purposes
Unidimensional IRT
Premise that the interactions of a person with test items can be adequately represented by a mathematical expression containing a single parameter describing the characteristics of the person
Assumptions of unidimensional IRT
1) unidimensionality= a single latent trait variable is sufficient to explain the common variance among item responses
2) local independence= the response of any person to any test item is assumed to depend solely on the persons single parameter & the items vector of parameters, LI is evidence for unidimensionality if the IRT model contains person parameters on only 1 dimension
Implications of local independence
Probability of a collection of responses can be determined by multiplying the probabilities of each of the individual responses
Assumptions (3+4) of unidimensional IRT
3) the characteristics of a test item remain constant over all of the situations where it is used
4) monotonocity= probability of correct responses to the test item increases of does not decrease as the locations of examinees increase on the coordinate dimension
Unidimensional IRT; understanding logistic regression
Linear regression= predicted Y can exceed y=0–1 range
Logistic regression= predicted Y lies within y=0-1 range
Rasch model
Different approach to conceptualising the relationship between data & theory
Rasch= data fits the model IRT= best model that fits the data
Rasch model not altered to suit data, method of assessment changed
Best estimate of the ability parameter for a person can be derived from his raw score only (sufficient statistic)
Discrimination parameter is set to 1.0
Item information function
Can be used to predict the scores of examinees at given ability levels
If the amount of info is small, means that ability can not be estimated with precision about the estimates will be widely scattered about the true ability
Item info function depends on the item parameters a,b & c
Polytomous models
Category response curves
e.g. likert scales
Multidimensional IRT models
Item response surface=
Construct 1= intrinsic
Construct 2= extrinsic
Estimation models
Likelihood function
Model fit
Goodness of fit criteria to detect items that do not fit the specified response model
All models are incorrect in the sense that they provide incomplete representations of the data to which they are applied
A model doesn’t need to be perfect but fit the data well enough to be useful in guiding the measurement process
item response models referred to as strong models as underlying assumptions are stringent thus less likely to be met with tear data
IRT requires heterogenous & large examinee sample to insure proper item parameter estimation
Parameter invariance
Reference & focal line on graph vary a lot
CTT evaluation
1) standard error of measurement applies to all scores in particular pop
2) longer tests more reliable than shorter
3) test scores obtain meaning by comparing their position in a norm group
4) unbiased assessment of item properties depends on having representative samples
IRT evaluation
1) standard error of measurement differs across scores but generalised across pops
2) shorter tests can be more reliable than longer ones
3) test score obtain meaning by comparing their distance from items
4) unbiased estimates of item properties may be obtained from unrepresentative samples