Valence Flashcards
What is the Hamiltonian for a moleuclar system?
Ĥ = T̂e + T̂n + V̂en + V̂nn + V̂en
Where: T̂ - KE terms
V̂ - PE term from Coulomb interaction
V̂en is attractive, V̂nn & V̂en is repulsive
What is the T̂e operator?
Kinetic energy term for the electrons
T̂e = (-ħ/2me)*∇2
What is the form of the V̂ee operator?
PE term for attraction between e-
V̂ee = +e2/4πε0rij
What is the general form of the Schrodinger equation for a molecule?
Ĥψ(r,R) = Eψ(r,R)
Where r and R are the position vectors (wrt to centre of mass) of the e- and nuclei respectively
Why can locations in the Schrodinger equation for H2 be given wrt the centre of mass?
Constant velocity when there are no external forces
So factor it out
What is the sign of a PE operator mean?
-ve is an attractive force
+ve is a repulsive force
What are you stating if atomic units are being used?
e = 1
What is the form of the T̂n operator for H2 in atomic units?
T̂n = (-1/2μ)*∇R2
What is the form of the V̂en for H2 in atomic units?
V̂en = - 1/r1A - 1/r1B - 1/r2A - 1/r2B
What is the form of the V̂nn for H2 in atomic units?
V̂nn = 1/R
Can write as atomic units
What is the form of the V̂ee opreator for H2 in atomic units?
V̂ee = 1/r12 = 1/|r1-r<strong>2</strong>|
Where r12 = separation between e- which is difficult to determine
What does the Born-Oppenheimer assume?
Adiabatic separation: Assumes nuclei are stationary on the timescale of electronic motion
ψ(r,R) = χn(R)ψe(r|R)
where χn(R) = wavefn describing motion of nuclei
ψe(r|R) = electronic wavefn (depends parametrically on coordinates of nuclei)
Why does the electronic wavefn depend parametrically on coordinates of nuclei?
(in the Born-Oppenheimer)
As the nuclear position changes (bond length changes) then so does the position of the electrons
How is an electronic Hamiltonian defined in the Born-Oppenheimer approx?
Ĥe = Ĥ - T̂n
Where T̂n is the KE of nuclei
Whsat is the solution of the electronic Schrodinger equation at fixed R?
Ĥeψe(r|R) = Ee(R)ψe(r|R)
Gives electronic states a bit like atomic orbitals
Where Ee(R) are electronic energy levels which depend on position of nuclei R
What do electronic states with energy Ee(R) represent?
PE function (curves) in the form V(R) that a nuclei experience at a given separation R
Includes the Coulomb replusion between fixed nuclei V̂nn
How are the PE curves whihc nuclei experience found?
Performing calculations fo the electronic energy states at many values of R
How can the states with energy Ee(R) be used to solve the Schrodinger eqn?
Ĥnχn(R) = [T̂n + Ee(R)]χn(R) = Enχn(R)
Where En are energy levels from vibrational and rotational motion of nuclei in a specific electronic state
How are each electronic states described?
Described by a different PE curve, and own rotation-vibration states
obtained from solution of Schrodinger for nuclear motion: Ĥnχn(R) = [T̂n + Ee(R)]χn(R) = Enχn(R)
How does the BO approx make the schrodinger equation solvable?
Ĥψ(r,R) = Eψ(r,R) , where E = En
Ĥψ(r,R) = (Ĥe + T̂n)χn(R)ψe(r|R) = Ĥeχn(R)ψe(r|R) + T̂nχn(R)ψe(r|R)
Ĥe term, doesnt operate on χn(R): χn(R)Ĥeψe(r|R) = χn(R)Ee(R)ψe(r|R) = χn(R)V(R)ψe(r|R)
T̂n more complicated: T̂nχn(R)ψe(r|R) = χn(R)T̂nψe(r|R) + ψe(r|R)T̂nχn(R), can then neglect a term to give T̂nχn(R)ψe(r|R) = ψe(r|R)T̂nχn(R)
Ĥψ(r,R) = ψe(r|R)[T̂n + V(R)]χn = Eψe(r|R)χn
Why is the small r bold in Ĥψ(r,R) = Eψ(r,R) ?
As there is potentially more than 1 electron
Why can the χn(R)T̂nψe(r|R) term be ignored in the BO approx?
T̂nχn(R)ψe(r|R) = χn(R)T̂nψe(r|R) + ψe(r|R)T̂nχn(R)
Small is reasonable providing ψe(r|R) is varying slowly in R (nuclear positions)
What approx can be made with T̂e in terms of T̂n?
T̂eψe(r|R) ≈ μ/meT̂nψe(r|R)
As the T̂e term is significantly greater as heavier