Vaginal examinations Flashcards
What is a vaginal examination?
It is a physical assessment.
Name five reasons a vaginal examination may be performed? (5)
In an emergency
To assess the progression in labour
To administer or remove medication
To perform a membrane sweep
To assess the condition of the cervix
To confirm the onset of labour
Prior to analgesia administration
To perform artificial rupture of membranes (ARM)
To apply a fetal scalp electrode (FSE)
Decisions around mode of birth (MOB)
What is assessed in a vaginal examination? (5)
Anything abnormal
What should be done before and after a VE?
Auscultation of the fetus before and after
Abdominal palpation before
In regard to the cervix, what are we feeling for? (3)
Position- Posterior, mid, anterior
Consistency- Firm, softening, soft
Application- Well, loose
What may a well applied cervix indicate?
The potential for normal dilation.
What may a loose application of the cervix be associated with?
Longer labour
What is effacement?
The thinning of the cervix.
How may effacement of the cervix be described? (5)
Partially effaced
Fully effaced
What is dilation?
Dilation is the widening of the cervix.
What usually occurs to the cervix in primips?
Effacement may occur and be complete prior to labour and prior to dilatation.
What usually occurs to the cervix in multips?
Effacement usually occurs simultaneously with dilatation.
What is the denominator?
The presenting part of the fetus
What is attitude?
The relation of fetal parts to eachother
Name four examples of attitude (4)
What is the station?
The relationship of presenting part to ischial spines
What is molding?
Where the skull overlaps
What is caput?
Swelling in the scalp
When should Aseptic technique be used?
When membranes have ruptured
What should be considered for a VE? (3)
Informed consent
Check notes
Document everything