A&P changes within the body during pregnancy Flashcards
What are the main hormones involved in pregnancy?
Progesterone, Oestrogen, HCG & HPL (human placental lactogen), Relaxin
Which week of pregnancy does progesterone rapidly increase?
10 weeks
What role does Oestrogen play during pregnancy?
Promotes maternal blood flow to the uterus and placenta
What is the role of HPL?
HPL stimulates fetal tissues and reduces the risks of fetal rejection by the maternal body
In which trimester do HCG levels usually begin to decrease?
2nd trimester
What is the role of Relaxin during pregnancy?
It is responsible for relaxing the ligaments within the body, particularly in the pelvis to accommodate for the growing fetus.
In which trimester is relaxin at its highest?
1st trimester
What symptoms can relaxin have on the body?
Relaxin can cause a woman to have pelvic girdle pain and back ache
Maternal blood flow progressively increases during pregnancy by what percentage?
30% in early pregnancy upto 50% In the third trimester
Why can maternal blood flow be heard via auscultation?
Maternal blood flow can often be heard via auscultation due to the enlarging of the blood vessels to accommodate for the extra blood flow.
Why is the ovoid shape of the uterus favourable for the fetus?
The ovoid shape of the uterus encourages the fetus to present in the cephalic position at term.
Why does the uterus need more blood volume during pregnancy?
The uterus needs a rich blood supply during pregnancy to aid the stretching of the tissues and to supply the fetus with enough blood, oxygen and nutrients.
Braxton hicks can occur during pregnancy. These do not dilate the cervix but they can…
A) Stretch the uterus
B) Increase blood circulation across the uterus and Placenta
C) Encourage the fetus to take a cephalic position
B) Increase blood circulation across the uterus and Placenta
What is the role of the cervix during pregnancy?
To hold the contents of the uterus
Remains firmly closed during pregnancy to provide a tight seal against contamination.
The endocervical cells produce large amounts of tenacious mucus which acts as an antibacterial cervical plug
How long is the cervix throughout the majority of pregnancy?
2.5cm but becomes softer and swollen under the influence of hormones
What is the role of the vagina during pregnancy?
Alters PH levels under the influence of oestrogen and thus has an Increased volume of vaginal secretions known as leucorrhoea to help keep the vagina clean and free of infections
Why is an increase in lactic acid in the vagina beneficial for pregnancy?
Lactic acid allows the vagina to remain in a favourable condition during pregnancy as it inhibits inflammation and inactivates potentially pathogenic bacteria and viruses
What are the changes to the cardiovascular system during pregnancy?
The heart increases in size and moves upwards and to the left
Progesterone levels relax the smooth muscle and causes vasodilation in veins and arteries to increase blood flow
Increased permeability in capillaries
Haemoglobin levels decrease in the maternal blood due to the increase in blood plasma – this causes haemodilution to occur which comes with an increased risk of blood clots
What symptoms can a woman experience as a result of the cardiovascular changes during pregnancy?
Increased blood pressure due to increase in blood circulating volume
Increase in resting heart rate
Why must women not lie supine during late pregnancy?
The growing uterus can compress the inferior vena cava which can reduce the blood flow by roughly 80%. The vena cava is the largest vein in the body – carrying blood from the pelvis and abdomen, legs and feet.
The effects of progesterone and relaxin on the smooth muscles on the vein walls, along with the increased weight of the growing fetus can contribute to what symptoms for the woman?
Oedema and varicosities which commonly appear on the legs but can also appear on the vulva or as haemorrhoids in the anal area.
What effects can pregnancy have on a woman’s respiratory system?
The respiratory rate can increase by 18-20 breaths per minute by the third trimester
Progesterone increases sensitivity to co2 and initiates hyperventilation – causing breathlessness
Total lung capacity decreases by 5-7%
What effects can pregnancy have on the renal system?
Enlarged kidneys due to the increase in blood flow
Bladder capacity increases to 1L – however this can come with an increased risk of infections due to the lax tone
What gastrointestinal changes can occur during pregnancy?
Constipation – due to reduction in gut mobility as a result of increased progesterone levels, reduction in fibres/fluid intakes through diet, reduction in physical activity.
Gastric reflux/heartburn – caused by decreased oesophageal sphincter tone and upwards constrictive pressure of growing fetus and abdominal organs.
What effects does pregnancy have on the breasts?
Pigmentation of skin can appear darker on the nipple and areola due to oestrogen and progesterone
Montgomery glands increase in size and begin to protrude in preparation for lactation
Breast can become larger and feel fuller as lactogenesis begins to take place and colostrum is developed from roughly 16 weeks
What effects can pregnancy have on the skin?
Oestrogen and Progesterone can cause skin/melanin pigmentation – causing the linea nigra, facial chloasma (mask of pregnancy) and striae gravidarum (stretch marks)
Glossier and thicker hair
What hormones are known to affect the immune system?
HCG and prolactin