Vaccination Schedule Flashcards
Do you give vaccines at 3-5 day visit?
Are vaccines given at 2 weeks- 1 month old visit?
What type of screening does mom need and what visits does she get those at?
2 weeks- 1 month and 2 month visit
What visit are the following vaccines given?
Rotavirus (oral) #1
Hep B #2
DTaP #1
IPV #1
Hib #1
PCV 13 #1
2-month-old visit
How long should FOC be checked in peds patients?
until 2 years old
What is the average potty training age?
27 months
When do BMI measurements begin in peds?
2 years old
What visit are the following vaccines given?
Rotavirus #2
Hep B #3
DTaP #2
IPV #2
Hib #2
PCV 13 #2
4- month- old visit
What visit are the following vaccines given?
Hep B #4
DTaP #3
IPV #3
Hib #3
PCV 13 #3
6- month-old visit
Do kids get vaccines at the 9-month visit?
Not unless they are on a delayed schedule
What visit are the following vaccines given?
Hep A #1
12- month- old visit
What lab work should be done at 12-month visit?
Hgb/Hct (via fingerstick)
lead levels (via LERAQ questionnaire)
Describe the anterior fontanelle
kite shaped, 1-5 cm, closes by 6-24 months
Describe the Posterior fontanelle
triangular, 1 cm, closes by 2-4 months
What is the moro reflex?
Appears= birth
Disappears= 2-4 months
What is the tonic reflex?
Appears= birth
Disappears= 3 months
“fencing”— head to one side, arm stretches out on same side while other elbow bends
What is the grasp reflex?
Appears= birth
Disappears= 5-6 months (palm), 12 months (toe)
Stroking hand or foot causes grasp relfex
What is the rooting reflex?
Appears= birth
Disappears= 3 months
stroke corner of mouth baby will turn head and root in that direction
What is the suck reflex?
Appears= 36 weeks in utero
Disappears= never
roof of mouth touch which causes baby to suck
When is the peak incidence of SIDS?
2-4 months
How long should baby be breastfed according to AAP?
exclusive BF for 1st 6 months of life + Vit D drops
How many calories are burned per day while BF?
~500 calories/ day
What are the 3 R’s of child abuse?
Physical abuse
when a child i purposely physically injured or put at risk of harm by another person
Sexual abuse
sexual activity with child. can be direct contact or noncontact
Emotional abuse
injuring a child’s self-esteem or emotional well-being (verbal or emotional assault)
Medical abuse
someone gives false information about illness in a child that requires medical attention, putting the child at risk of injury and unnecessary medical care
failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, clean living conditions, affection, supervision, education, or dental/ medical care
A <1 month old has a fever. What should be done?
full septic work up, LP
A 1-3 month old has a fever. What should be done?
emergent and requires evaluation
A >3 month old has a fever. What should be done?
usually viral, teething, or immunizations
RUSH to call PA if…
- fever 100.4+ and <3 months
- fever 100.4+ and not better with meds
- Recent vaccination and 102+ temp for 24+ hours
- Isn’t acting like themselves
What is considered concerning but not emergent in reards to fever?
- fever < 5 days and acting normal
- fever 102.5 in a child 3 mo- 3 yrs
- Recent vaccination, low-grade temp <24 hours
What visit are the following vaccines given?
PCV 13
15 month visit
What visit are the following vaccines given?
Hep A #2 (if 6 months from #1)
18 month visit
What visit are the following vaccines given?
2 year visit
What visits should a child get autism screening?
18 months and 2 years
When should a child get vision screening?
3 years and on
What lab work should a child get at 2 year visit?
Lead level
What visit are the following vaccines given?
hep A (if not yet received)
4 year visit
When should hearing screening begin?
5-8 year old visit and go to 18 year old visit
When should you begin discussing HPV vaccine?
9-year-old visit
Continue discussing at 10-12 and 13-18
BP and HR should be part of the assessment beginning at what age?
4 years to 18 years +
What visit are the following vaccines given?
Meningitis Vaccine
10-12 years old- ideally at 11-12 years of age
What visit are the following vaccines given?
Meningitis #2
age 16
What visit are the following vaccines given?
Meningitis B
Age 16-23
What tanner stage are 10-12 years old in (normally)?
What tanner stage are 13-18 years old in (normally)
What age is an autism diagnosis typically made around?
15-30 months