Peds Milestones Flashcards
Gross motor: Turns head from side to side
Fine motor: clenches fist, eye contact
Personal/ Social: recognizes human faces
Language: cries, startles at loud noises
0-2 months
Gross motor: lifts head
Fine motor: tracks object midline, hands open
Personal/ Social: smiles responsively
Language: vocalizes in play
2-3 months
Gross motor: head steady in supported position
Fine motor: hands together
Personal/ Social: shows displeasure through vocalization
Language: looks for sources of sound
4-5 months
Gross motor: Rolls over, sits leaning forward on arms
Fine motor: reaches for objects, raking grasp
Personal/ Social: respond to own name, hold own bottle
Language: imitates speech sounds, vocal imitation
6-8 months
Gross motor: stands alone for 2 seconds
Fine motor: bangs 2 objects together, places pellet in bottle
Personal/ Social: hugs doll or stuffed animals, routinely gestures to meet needs
Language: use one or two words with meaning
12-14 months
Gross motor: stands while holding on
Fine motor: passes object from hand to hand
Personal/ Social: feeds self, imitates waving
Language: understand no, may say Mama or Dada
9-11 months
Gross motor: Stoops and recovers, walks well
Fine motor: builds tower of 2-3 cubes
Personal/ Social: attempts to use a spoon
Language: waves bye-bye, use 4-5 words
15-17 months
Gross motor: runs well, kicks a large ball, walks backward
Fine motor: scribbles, turns pages of book
Personal/ Social: drinks well from a cup, feeds self, uses a spoon well
Language: follows simple commands (e.g. give me), 20-50 words
18-21 months
Gross motor: throw ball overhead, jumps
Fine motor: turns doorknobs, build towers of 6-7 blocks
Personal/ Social: washes and dries hands, little spilling during self-feeding
Language: 2-3 words combined, points to body parts
24 months
Gross motor: stands on one foot for at least 2 seconds
Fine motor: copies circle
Personal/ Social: takes turns, toilet trained (avg 27 months)
Language: uses pronouns (I, me, you), gives name
36 months
Gross motor: hops on one foot
Fine motor: wiggles thumb, copies cross
Personal/ Social: dresses self
Language: knows colors, asks questions
48 months
Language: speaks using correct sentence structure
Hand-Eye Coord: draws more precisely
Calc/ Reading: reads 1 syllable words, counts to 20, later reads simple sentences
6 years, 1st grade
Language: define words, C/C, speech reaches adult proficiency
Hand-eye Coord: legible printing, ties own shoelaces
Calc/ Reading: reads two-syllable words, counts to 100, add and subtracts two-digit numbers
7 years, 2nd grade
Language: defines more words, recites days of the week
Hand-eye Coord: begins to learn cursive
Calc/ Reading: reads many more two-syllable words, performs simple multiplication
8 years, 3rd grade
Language: comprehends absurdities in sentences
Hand-eye Coord: draws people with greater detail
Calc/ Reading: able to read more complex words, easily uses +, -, fractions, division, x, and estimation
9 years, 4th grade
What ages correlate with Tanner Stage 2?
What age correlate with Tanner Stage 3?
What ages correlate with Tanner Stage 4?
What ages correlate with Tanner Stage 5?
Between what ages does the focus shift from developmental milestones to physical maturation and psychological development?
Ages 10-19
Gauged by the Tanner Stages
What is delayed puberty?
absence or incomplete development of secondary sex characteristics by an age 2-3 STD above the mean age of onset of puberty
IOW–> 97-99% of children from that sex and culture have begun maturation
What age is concerning for females with no signs of breast development?
What age is concerning for males with no signs of testicular enlargement?
What is stalled puberty?
has not completed within 4 years of onset
What is the most common cause of delayed puberty?
constitutional delay of growth and puberty
transient functional defect in prod of GnRH from the hypothalamus
Mild IQ
Moderate IQ
What percent of neonate have normal chromosomes but abnormal phenotypes?