V SPEEDS Flashcards
V1 = Takeoff decision speed
V2 = Takeoff safety speed. Best climb gradient speed, best altitude increase per mile with the most critical engine inop. Twin engine aircraft with an engine inop are guaranteed a 2.4% climb gradient (24 ft UP per 1000 ft FORWARD). Min speed to be maintained to at least 400 ft AGL.
Va = Designed maneuvering speed. Highest safe airspeed for abrupt control deflection. Va decreases as weight decreases.
Vap = Approach target speed, Vref + configuration and wind factor.
Vc = Design cruising speed.
Vfe = Maximum Flap Extended Speed, Top of white arc, highest speed permissible with wing flaps in a prescribed position.
Vle = Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed.
Vlo = Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed. Maximum speed at which the landing gear can be safely extended or retracted.
Vlof = Lift Off Speed. Speed at which aircraft becomes airborne. Back pressure is applied at Vr and lift off actually happens at Vlof.
Vmca 0r Vmc = Minimum Control Speed with critical engine inoperative. Configured with critical engine inop and prop windmilling, 5 deg bank towards OPERATIVE Engine, take off power applied, gear up, flaps up, and most rearward cg allowed. Speed at which BELOW, full rudder will not prevent yaw toward dead engine.
Vmo = Maximum Operating Limit Speed, mainly a structural limitation.
Vne = Velocity Never Exceed. Red Line, loads imposed at or above this speed will easily over stress the aircraft.
Vno = Maximum Structural Cruising Speed, beginning of the yellow arc.
Vr = ROTATE Speed. Recommended speed to start applying back pressure on the yoke, rotating the nose so that the aircraft lifts off the ground at Vlof.
Vref = Calculated Reference Speed for final approach. Usually 1.3 times stall speed.
Vs = Stall speed
Vs1 = Stall Speed or minimum steady flight speed in a specific configuration.
Vso = Stall Speed in landing configuration.
Vsse = Minimum Safe Single Engine Speed for multi engine aircraft. Provides margin against unintentional stall when making intentional engine cuts for training.
Vx = Best Angle of Climb Speed. Greatest gain of altitude in the shortest possible horizontal distance.
Vxse = Best Single Engine Angle of Climb Speed.
Vy = Best RATE of Climb Speed. Greatest gain in altitude in the shortest time. Lift to drag ratio is usually at maximum at this speed so can also be used as good ball park best glide speed or max endurance speed.
Vyse = Best Single Engine RATE of Climb Speed. Blue Line.
White Arc
White Arc is Flaps Fully Extended operating range
Green Arc
Green Arc is Normal Operating Range
Yellow Arc
Yellow Arc is Caution Range. Starts at Vno and ends at red line Vne.
Red Line
Red Line is Vne, Velocity Never Exceed
Red & White Hash Line
Maximum Operating Speed, Vmo, Mmo. Self adjusting and changes with altitude and or air density.
Blue Line
Blue Line = Multi-engine Vyse best rate of climb with one engine inoperative.
Red Line - Multi Engine
Red Line - Multi Engine = Vmc, minimum controllable airspeed with the critical engine inop