V&G Flashcards
Abandon (v)
Leave, desert(v), forsake
- The cruel son abandoned his mom, she’s alone now.
- The house was abandoned and is empty.
Abundant (adj)
More than enough, plentiful, ample
فراوان، بسيار
Acclaim (v)
Admire, praise, commend, applaud /əˈploːd/
تحسين كردن
Ambiguous (adj)
Vague, not clear, equivocal /ɪ’kwɪvəkl/
مبهم، دو پهلو
Articulate (adj)
Eloquent, clear, expressive
گويا، رسا، فصيح
- The boy could not talk very well, his words were not articulate enough.
Champion (n,v)
Hero, advocate, to support in a strong way
قهرمان، دفاع كردن، حمايت كردن
- The old man was going to represent his office. He championed their ideas.
Consolidate (v)
Make something strong, strengthen, fortify
مستحكم كردن
- The house was old and about to collapse. It needed to be consolidate.
Exhaustive (adj)
جامع، كامل
- You can find exhaustive examples in the book, no other books are needed.
Exaggerate (v)
To mention something while making it grander, aggrandize, amplify, overstate
Formidable (adj)
Intimidating(هراس انگيز), demanding(سخت), arduous /ˈärjo͞oəs/
مهيب، ترسناك، دشوار
- The boxer was afraid. His opponent was a formidable.
Illuminate (v)
Use light to make visible a dark places, make something clear, clarify, elucidate
- The room was dark. Then a lamp illuminated it.
- The question was made easy when illuminated by the teacher.
Insinuate (v)
Indirectly say something, imply, indicate
اشاره كردن، به طور ضمنى فهماندن
- I could not understand answer. It was not direct and was insinuated.
Intrusive (adj)
An action that is intruding, affecting someone’s private life or interrupting them in an unwanted and annoying way, nosy, meddlesome
- My father does not tolerate intrusive behavior. He doesn’t like people who invade someone’s privacy.
Prevailing (adj)
Winning, ahead, pioneering, widespread, dominant
رايج، متدامل، غالب
- My brother was happy at the end of the competition, since he was a fan of the prevailing team.
Prudent (adj) /ˈpruːdənt/
Thoughtful about future, sagacious /səˈgeiʃəs/, discreet, sensible
- The prudent father thought about his children future.
Prudence (احتياط)
Resist (v)
Tolerate, bear, withstand, militate
مقاومت کردن، خودداری کردن، تاب آوردن، ایستادگی کردن
- The army attacked the people but they resisted.
Resistance (مقاومت، ايستادگى)
Resistant (مقاوم، پايدار)
Saturate (v) /ˈsӕtʃəreit/
Soak, drench, fill
خيس كردن، اشباع كردن
- The clothes were saturated with water.
- Saturate the market (اشباع بازار)
Skeptical of/about (adj)
Dubious /ˈdjuːbiəs/, full of doubt, accepting something in a difficult way
دير باور
- He does not trust people easily. He is skeptical.
Skeptic (شكاك)
Sophisticated (adj)
Complicated, not easy, complex
مصنوعى، در سطح بالا، غير طبيعى، مشكل و پيچيده
- sophisticated author (نويسنده فرهيخته)
Successive (adj)
Respective, sequential, consecutive
پى در پى، متوالى
- Study the book successively.
Succeed (موفق شدن، جايگزين شدن)
Abrupt (adj)
Sudden, unexpected, short and rude
- An abrupt change
- An abrupt answer
Abruptly (ناگهان)
Bizarre (adj) /biˈzaː/
Strange, weird, odd, peculiar /pəˈkyo͞olyər/, outlandish
Coincide (v)
Happen at the same time, concur, coexist
Coincidence (تصادف، توافق، انطباق)
- His entry to the party coincide with his marriage.
- what a coincidence.
Commence (v) tr,int
… + v + ing
Start, initiate
- Work will commence on the new building immediately.
Disinterested (adj)
Unbiased, impartial, neutral
بى غرض، بى طرف
- Disinterested judgment/advice/observer
Distort (v)
Misstate, misrepresent
تحريف كردن، ناهموار كردن، از شكل طبيعى انداختن
Distort the truth/idea/the reality/statement(بيانيه، اعلاميه)
Distortion (تحريف)
Elaborate (adj)
v …
Complex, intricate /ˈintrikət / (having a lot of details/parts)
- Elaborate dress/system/design
Elaborate on (با دقت/جزئيات شرح دادن) Elaboration (جزئيات، پيچيدگى)
Engender (v)
To be a cause of a situation or feeling, create, generate, give rise to
به وجود آوردن، موجب شدن، سبب شدن
- The changes in society engendered by the war.
- relationships that engender trust in children.
Fragile (adj)
Breakable, brittle, delicate
شكننده، ترد، ضعيف
- fragile bones/dishes/economy
Fragility (تردى، شكنندگى)
Intensify (v) tr,int
Heighten /’haɪtn/, escalate /ˈeskəleit/, strengthen
تشدید کردن، سخت کردن، شدید شدن
Intensification (تشديد، افزايش)
Intense (سخت، قوى، شديد، مشتاقانه)
Intensive (شديد، تند، متمركز)
Lucrative (adj)
Profitable, rewarding
پر درآمد، سودآور
- Lucrative job/business/contract
Massive (adj)
Huge, enormous, immense /ɪ’mens/, giant, gigantic
Massively (به شدت)
- On a massive scale
Obsolete (adj)
Become obsolete
Outdated, outmoded
- Obsolete weapons/words
Plague (v) /pleig/
Annoy repeatedly, torment, harass /həˈras/
آزار رساندن، به ستوه آوردن
- He was plagued by eye troubles.
Plague (طاعون)
Presumably (adv)
Probably, apparently (ظاهراً)
- he hasn’t eaten all day and he is presumably hungry.
Presumption (فرضيه، احتمال)
Presume (فرض كردن، عقيده داشتن) = suppose, assume /əˈsjuːm/
Secluded (adj) /siˈkluːdid/
Remote, isolated, private
بكر، دنج
- A secluded spot/beach/forest
Seclusion (انزوا)
Seclude (جدا كردن) = separate
Shortcoming (n)
Shortcoming of something
Fault, flaw /flɔː/, defect, deficit
قصور، كمبود، كاستى
Suppress (v) /səˈpres/
Repress, subdue
Prevent and stop
سركوب كردن، متوقف كردن، مانع شدن
Suppression /sə’preʃn/ (جلوگيرى، توقيف، سركوب)
- Suppress people/demonstration /demən’streɪʃn/ تظاهرات/feelings
Surmount (v) /sɜr’maʊnt/
Overcome, conquer /ˈkoŋkə/
برطرف كردن، فائق آمدن، از ميان برداشتن
- Surmount a problem/difficulty/barrier /ˈbӕriə/ (مانع)
Susceptible (adj) /səˈseptəbəl/
Susceptible to
Prone, vulnerable
حساس، مستعد چيزى بودن
Susceptibility (حساسيت)
- Older people are more susceptible to infections.
Aggravate (v)
Worsen, exacerbate
بدتر كردن، اضافه كردن
Aggravation (تشديد)
Catastrophic (adj)
فاجعه انگیز، مصیبت بار
Catastrophy (فاجعه) = disaster, calamity
- Catastrophic effects/consequences
Confirm (v)
Approve, verify, corroborate /kəˈräbəˌrāt/
تأييد كردن
Confirmation (تأييد)
Corrode (v) /kə’rəʊd/
Ruin, destroy, erode, spoil
خورده شدن، زنگ زدن، پوسيدن
Corrosion /kəˈrōZHən/ (خوردگى)
Erode (v)
فرسوده شدن، ساييدن، خورده شدن
Erosion (فرسايش)
Derive (v)
Obtain, attain, extract
مشتق شدن، نتيجه گرفتن، كسب كردن
- Derive sth from sth/pleasure/prestige/benefit/information
Diminish (v) tr,int
Decrease,reduce,lessen, curtail /kərˈtāl/
كم شدن، كاستن، خرد كردن، ضعيف كردن
Diminution (كاهش، تقليل)
Famine (n)
Hunger, starvation
قحطى، گرسنگى
- A million people are facing famine.
Flourish (v)
Grow, prosper, burgeon /’bɜːdʒən/, thrive /θraiv/
شكوفا شدن، رشد كردن
- Most plants will flourish in the rich deep soils here.
Mitigate (v)
Pacify, relieve, alleviate
تخفيف دادن، تسكين دادن، سبك كردن
Mitigation (تخفيف، كاهش)
Penchant (n)
Tendency, inclination, predilection
ميل، علاقه، ذوق
- Have a penchant for something
Predatory (adj)
Wolfish, exploitative
- Predatory animals/websites/company
Predator (شكارچى)
Prey (شكار، طعمه)
Refute (v)
Reject, repudiate, decline
رد كردن، تكذيب كردن
- Refute a claim/a theory/an argument
Relic (n) /’relɪk/
Relic of something
Remnant, vestige /’vestɪdʒ/, an old object or custom that reminds people of the past or that has lived on from past time
اثر، عتيقه، يادگار، بقايا
Scrutinize (v)
Inspect, examine /ɪg’zæmɪn/, investigate
بررسى خيلى دقيق كردن، موشكافى كردن
Scrutiny /ˈskruːtəni/ (تحقيق، بررسى، موشكافى)
- Scrutinize something carefully/closely
Shortage (n) of
Dearth /dɜːrθ/, Paucity
كمبود، كسرى
Solemn (adj)
Serious, sad, sombre, very serious and not happy
جدي و با ابهت، موقر، رسمى
- A solemn expression/face/music/voice/promise
Spurious (adj) /’spjʊrɪəs/
Fake, counterfeit
جعلى، قلابى
- Spurious documents/statements
Subside (v) int
Abate /əˈbeit/, dwindle
نشست كردن، فروكش كردن
- The pains in his head had subsided, but still felt dizzy and sick.
Superfluous (adj) /suː’pɜrflʊəs/
Extra, redundant, unneeded
زيادى، زائد
Superfluity (افراط، زيادى) /suːpə(r)’flʊətɪ/
- A superfluity of stuff
- Superfluous detail
Transient (adj) /’træʃnt /-nzɪənt/
Temporary, ephemeral /əˈfem(ə)rəl/
ناپايدار، كوتاه، زودگذر، موقتى
Anomaly (n) /əˈnɒməli/
anomaly in sth
Aberration, abnormality
خلاف قاعده، ناهنجارى، غيرمتعارف
- In those days, a woman professor was still an anomaly.
- Various anomalies in the tax system
Apex (n)
Climax, peak, summit, pinnacle /ˈpinəkl/, zenith /ˈzeniθ/
اوج، نوك، بالاترين نقطه، قله
- The apex of mountain/game/career
Consequence (n)
Outcome, repercussion /ˌriːpərˈkʌʃən/
نتیجه، عاقبت، نتیجه منطقی، پى آمد، اثر
- Catastrophic/tragic/adverse/grave/immediate consequences
Deception (n) /diˈsepʃən/
Fraud, duplicity /duːˈplɪsəti/
فريب، نيرنگ
Deceive (فريب دادن)
Deceitful (فريبكار، مكار)
- Obtain something by deception