UWorld pt2 Flashcards
Most common neuroimaging finding of schizophrenia
Most consistently replicated neuroimaging finding in schizophrenia = enlargement of lateral cerebral ventricles
Enlargement of cerebral ventricles in schizophrenia
Clinical feature to distinguish middle vs. anterior cerebral artery occlusion
Middle cerebral artery occlusion => contralateral somatoatosensory and motor deficit in face/arm/leg
Anterior cerebral artery occlusion => contralateral somatosensory and motor deficit predominantly in LE
First line pharmacologic agent for cancer-related anorexia/cachectic
Progesterone analogus
-lolz not weed (much better for HIV-associated cachexia)
Lab values to differentiate CML from leukemoid reaction
CML: more immature (myelocytes > metamyelocytes), absolute basophilia, low LAP (leukocyte alkaline phosphatase)
Leukemoid rxn to severe infxn: lower (like around 50k), more mature (metamyelocytes > myelocytes), high (normal) LAP, no basophilia
Lab tests to differentiate iron deficiency anemia from thalassemia trait
Both will be microcytic anemias, but iron deficiency will have high RDW and low #RBCs
While thalassemia will have normal RDW and normal number of RBCs
Besides sedation, risk of giving benadryl to elderly M
Benadryl has both antihistamine and anticholinergic properties
Anticholinergic properties => detrusor hypocontractility which may cause acute urinary retentnion in elderly M w/ enlarged prostate
5 mo old girl w/ failure to thrive and a renal tubular acidosis- which type of RTA does she likely have?
Type 1 (distal): not excreting enough protons -most likely to be congenitals
Others: type 2 (proximal): not reabsorbing bicarb (ex: Fanconi syndrome) vs. type 4 (aldo resistance)
(a) How to make dx
(b) Tx
Chiocarcinoma = gestational trophoblastic tumor
(a) Diagnose w/ elevated beta-hCG way after delivery
(b) Tx w/ chemotherapy
First line tx for VT on ECG
- stable: IV amiodarone
- unstable: cardiovert
Main organ systems involved in disseminated histoplasmosis
Disseminated histo (usually in immunocompromised) when it spreads from lungs thru lymph into systemic
- systemic symptoms
- pulm
- mucocutaneous (papules, nodules)
- reticuloendothelial (HSM, lymphadenopathy)
Describe the febrile nonhemolytic rxn to transfusion (MC transfusion rxn)
(a) Etiology
MC transfusion reaction is 2/2 (a) Cytokines that build up during storage of the blood
Clinically: w/in 1 hour of transfusion pt w/ fever and chills, but no DIC Or lab abnormalities
Two abx classes to treat legionella pneumonia
Legionella pneumonia = PNA w/ hyponatremia
Tx: macrolides (azithromycin) or quinolones (levofloxacin)
Give the typical presentation of Reye syndrome
Reye syndrome = acute liver failure (transaminitis, coagulopathy, hyperammonemia) and encephalopathy in child after influenza or varicella infection w/ aspirin use
MC location of medulloblastoma
(a) Clinical symptoms
MC location of medulloblastoma = cerebellar vemis (and almost always in the posterior fossa)
(a) => presents w/ cerebellar symptoms, like truncal ataxia
23 yo F w/ progressive lower back pain and stiffness x3 yrs
- relief w/ exercise
- morning stiffness x1 hr
- tenderness over lumbosacral area
(a) Dx
(b) Diagnostic test
(a) Dx = ankylosing spondylitis
(b) Diagnose w/ Xray of sacroiliac joints w/ characteristic bamboo spine
- can’t diagnost w/ HLA-B27: present but not specific enough for diagnosis
Key clinical features of Chikungunya fever
Chikungunya fever = mosquito-borne illness in central/S America and tropical regions
High fever + severe symmetric polyarthritis (arthritis is the key here)
Classic CXR findings of contained aortic rupture
(a) vs. CXR findings of bronchial rupture
- widened mediastinum
- L sided hemothorax
(a) Bronchial rupture => pneumothorax that doesn’t resolve w/ chest tube, pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema
Ddx for exudative pleural effusion
- Empyema- from baceterial infxn of the pleural space (So bacterial PNA)
- Tb (AFB stain)
- Malignancy (get cytology)
- Chylothorax from thoracic duct damage (see high TG in pleural fluid)
Workup for unexplained erythema nodosum
Erythema nodosum = painful lesions on shins associated w/ strep, Tb, sarcoidosis, coccidiomycosis, IBD, Behcets
- Anti-ASO titers
- CXR to screen for sarcoidosis (b/l hilar lymphadenopathy, reticular opacities
(a) LP findings
(b) Classic MRI findings
(a) Oligoclonal bands
(b) MRI findings: pericentricular and juxtacortical lesions
Glomerulopathy MC associated w/ renal vein thrombosis
(a) Clinical presentation
Membranous glomerulonephrophaty
(a) Presents as progressive gradual worsening of renal fxn and proteinuria in asymptomatic pt
ex: 6 wks of periorbital edema and abdominal distention, sudden development of R sided abdominal pain fever and gross hematuria
What is euthyroid sick syndrome
Euthyroid sick syndrome aka “low T3” is when T3 is low but T4/TSH normal during an acute illness
When is MSAFP measured to screen for fetal anomalies?
(a) When is it high
(b) When is it low
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screen measured btwn 15-20 weeks to screen for fetal anomalies
(a) High in open neural tube defects (anencephaly, open spina bifida), ventral wall defects (omphalocele, gastrocschisis), multiple gestations
- if high get ultrasound
(b) Low AFP associated w/ aneuploidies (trisomy 18, 21)
Auer rods
25 yo African American p/w nocturia x5 months
-normal UA and CBC
Explain his nocturia
Hyposthenuria = inability to concentrate urine found in SCD or sickle cell trait 2/2 RBC sickling in the vasa rectae of the inner medulla => impairs countercurrent exchange and free water reabsorption
Differentiate clinical features of patellofemoral syndrome and patellar tendonitis
Patellofemoral syndrome- typically young adult F athletes w/ pain on knee extension while patella is compressed (patellofemoral compression test), pain reproduced w/ squatting or stairs
Patellar tendonitis- primarily athelets, episodic pain and tenderness at the inferior patella
ECG changes expected from severe hyperkalemia
(a) Immediate tx when pt w/ hyperkalemia has ECG changes
ECG changes: peaked T waves, bradycardia from sinus node dysfunciton, AV block, arrhythmias (VT or VFib)
(a) IV calcium (chloride or gluconate) to stabilize cardiac myocyte
- not an anti-arrhythmic
15 day old boy w/ bilious emesis, breastfed, KXR w/ gasless abdomen
(a) Most likely dx
(b) First step in management
(c) Diagnostic test
(a) Midgut volvulus 2/2 malrotation: classically presents in neonate under 1mo w/ bilious vomiting
(b) NG tube decompression, IV fluids
(c) Upper GI series (Xray w/ contrast) to visualize and r/o free air in abdomen
Prognosis of Hodgkin lymphoma
HL is very responsive to tx: >90% 5-year survival for stage I-II disease
-recurrence uncommon
However- pts treated before 30 yoa have 18.5x increased risk of secondary malignancy from chemo/radiation
So 43 yo w/ pulmonary nodule, treated at 20 for HL w/ chemo/radiation, not recurrence on HL but a secondary malignancy
14-3-3 protein in CSF
Neurodegenerative prion disease (CJD)
Bamboo spine
Bamboo spine = fusion of vertebral bodies w/ ossification of intervertebral discs that suggests ankylosing spondylitis in young adult (under 40) w/ back pain
Screening guidelines for HepB vs. HepC
HIV and HepB screening in pts w/ high-risk sexual intercourse = unprotected or MSM
HepC: IVDU, high-risk needle exposure, or blood transfusion before 1992
Hallmark opthalmoscopy findings of
(a) Open angle glaucoma
(b) Retinal detachment
(c) Central retinal vein occlusion
(d) Simple diabetic retinopathy
(a) Pathologic cupping of the optic disc
(b) Retina hanging in the vitreous
(c) Disc swelling, venous dilation and tortuosity, retinal hemorrhages and cotton woll spots
(d) Microaneurysms, hemorrhages, exudates, retinal edema, then cotton wool spots next
Use of progesterone supplementation in pregnant F
Can be used in F w/ h/o preterm labor to prevent recurrence of preterm labor
Expected changes in the following seen in pregnancy
(a) CBC
(b) BMP
(c) UA
Pregnancy changes
(a) Mild anemia due to dilation from volume shifts
(b) BMP: reduced BUN/Cr due to increased GFR/renal blood flow
- so in nonpregnant F Cr of 1.2 may be considered ULN, while this is acute insufficiency in pregnant F
(c) Normal to have 1+ proteinuria due to expected increase in glomerular basement membrane permeability
34 yo HIV+ M w/ severe watery diarrhea x14 days, CD4 of 94, negative FOBT
(a) Dx
(b) Tx
(a) Cryptosporidium diarrhea: CD4 under 180 (not under 50 like when you’d see MAC or CMV diarrhea)
- severe watery diarrhea w/ low-grade fever and weight loss
(b) Treat the HIV, usually diarrhea persists until CD4 improves
Keywords for distinguishing the 3 systemic fungi in the US
All 3 w/ pulm and skin findings
Histo- hepatosplenomegaly (b/c intracellular in macrophages)
Blasto- ulcerated skin lesions and bony lesions (osteomyelitis, lytic lesions)
Coccidio- skin, lungs, meninges (SW US)
UA sediment indicative of
(a) Glomerulonephritis
(b) Pyelonephritis
(c) Chronic renal failure
(d) ATN
(e) Interstitial nephritis
(f) Nephrotic syndrome
(a) GN (causing nephrotic syndrome) = RBC casts
(b) Pyelo = WBC casts
(c) CRF => broad casts and waxy casts
(d) ATN = muddy brown, granular, casts
(e) Interstitial nephritis (AIN) = WBC casts (same as pyelo)
(f) Nephrotic syndrome (indicating glomerular injury) = fatty casts