Emma Holliday Medicine Flashcards
Typical physical exam findings of Prinzmetal angina
CP worse at night or upon waking in middle aged F, also w/ migraines
-transient ST elevations during episodes
How to differentiate TTP from DIC
PT and PTT are normal in HUS/TTP (microangiopathic hemolytic anemias)
MC cause of death from endocarditis
-valve destruction => heart failure
Name some causes of DIC in addition to sepsis
- rhabdo
- heatstroke
- pancreatitis
- snake bites
- adnocarcinoma
- OB stuff (amniotic fluid embolism)
- Tx of AML (Auer rods!!)
Main side effects of CMV tx
(a) Ganciclovir
(b) Foscarnet
(a) Ganciclovir- neutropenia
(b) Foscarnet- renal tox
Hilar lymphadenopathy w/ elevated ACE
(a) Dx
(b) Skin finding
(c) Why hypercalcemic
(d) Important referral
(e) Dx
(f) Tx
(a) Sarcoidosis
(b) Erythema nodosum
(c) Macrophages in granulomas produce vitD like substance
(d) Optho- 25% chance of uveitis
(e) Dx by biopsy
(f) Tx = steroids
Type I RTA
(a) Problem
(b) Etiology
(c) K status
(d) Tx
Type I RTA = distal
(a) Kidneys cannot excrete H+
(b) Etiology = Lithium, amphotericin
(c) Hypokelamic serum
(d) Tx by repleting K+ and oral bicarb
2 branched microorganisms
a) Gram stain
(b) O2 use?
(c) Key clinical features
Nocardia = branched, (a) gram positive, partially acid fast staining bacteria
(b) Aerobic => residse in lungs
(c) Cavitary lung disease (purulent sputum) in immunosuppressed pt w/ wt loss and fever
(d) Tx = Trim-Sulfa
Actinomyces = branched (a) G+ (b) Anaerobic
(c) Neck or face infection w/ draining yellow material
(d) High dose penicillin
Cardiac pt s/p ticlopidine (ADP receptor inhibitor) w/ renal failure, thrombocytopenia, fever and AMS
(a) Dx
(b) Tx
(a) TTP
b) Plasmapheresis- don’t give plts (they’ll just get consumed by whatever process is underlying
Who needs endocarditis ppx?
Ppx for endocarditis: prosthetic valve, history of endocarditis, any congenital lesion
Enveloped shaped crystals
Ethylene glycol intoxication (causes anion gap metabolic acidosis)
Tx w/ dialysis or NaHCO3 if PH under 7.2
Light’s criteria
If all 3 met then pulmonary effusion is transudative
- LDH under 200
- LDH effusion/serum under .6
- protein effusion/serum under .5
25 yo w/ acute onset sxs CHF
Consider myocarditis (coxsackie B?)
3 key causes of sickle cell crisis
Hypoxia, dehydration, acidosis
Tx for
(a) Hyponatremia
(b) Hypernatremia
(a) Fluid restriction, only 3% saline if Na under 120 or seizures
(b) Replace w/ water w/ D5W or other hypotonic fluid
Feurea cutoff for prerenal
FEurea under 35% = prerenal acute renal failure
-use instead of FENa for pts on diuretics
ECG findings of
(a) Hyperkalemia
(b) Hypokalemia
(a) Obv peaked T waves, but also
- prolonged PR
- short QT
- widened QRS
(b) Hypokalemia: ST depression and U waves
First line med for WPW
50 yo “meat-a-tarian” s/p 2 weeks of clinda p/w hemarthroses and oozing from venipuncture sites
Vit K deficiency
-clinda wiped out gut flora => no vit K produced
Complication of silicosis
(a) Tx
- increased risk to Tb => need annual Tb test
(a) Tx = INH for 9 mo
Define neutropenic fever
(a) MC cause
(b) First step
(c) Key contraindication
Neutropenic fever = single temp over 101.3 or sustained over 100.4 for 1 hour in pt w/ ANC under 500
(a) Mucositis causing bacteremia, usually from gut translocation
(b) Get BCx then start Cefipime or ceftazidime
(c) DONT do DRE- can translocate gut flora and induce bacteremia
Kidney stone in child w/ leukemia on chemo
Uric acid
-tumor lysis releases tons of urate
Pt w/ seizure w/ deja vu aura and meningitis sxs
Deja vu aura means the seizure started in the temporal lobe, so if +meningitis (w/ RBC in LP) = HSV encephalitis
Crohns vs. UC
(a) Terminal ileum
(b) Continuous involving rectum
(c) Associated w/ some biliary duct d/o
(d) Fistulae likely
(e) Granulomas on biopsy
(f) Higher risk of
(a) Terminal ileum = Crohn’s (can mimic appendicitis)
(b) Continuous involving rectum = UC
(c) UC associated w/ PSC (=> increased risk of cholangiocarcinoam)
(d) Fistula likely in Crohns (whenever have fistula, tx w/ metronidazole)
(e) Granulomas on biopsy Crohns
Antimitochondrial Ab vs. antismooth muscle Ab
(a) Tx difference
Antimitochondrial anitbody = PBC
(a) Won’t be helped by steroids
Antismooth muscle Ab = autoimmune hepatitis
(a) Tx w/ steroids
Crohns vs. UC
(a) Transmural inflammation
(b) Cured w/ colectomy
(c) Lower risk in smokers
(d) Higher risk of colon cancer
(e) Associated w/ p-ANCA
(a) Transmural inflammation in Crohns
(b) UC cured w/ colectomy
(c) Smoking decreases risk of UC, smokers have higher risk for Crohns
(d) Higher risk of colon CA in UC (another reason for colectomy, to prevent the cancer)
(e) UC associated w/ p-ANCA
Post-exposure ppx for HIV
Stuck w/ HIV needle: triple drug (not one or two…three drugs) therapy for 4 weeks
ex: AZT, lamivudine, nelfinavir
Lung cancer causing the following paraneoplastic syndromes
(a) Kidney stones
(b) Ptosis that improves w/ 1min of upward gaze
(c) Euvolemic hyponatremia
(a) Squamous cell carcinoma produces PTHrP
(b) Small cell carcinoma => Ab to pre-synaptic Ca (Lambert-Eaton)
(c) SIADH from small cell
2 clotting factors not depleted in severe cirrhosis
factor VIII and vWF b/c made by endothelial cells
MC cause of meningitis in HIV pt
Still Strep pneumo
HIV pt on HAART p/w macrocytic anemia
Zidovudine (AZT) causes leukopenia and macrocytic anemia
(a) Old smokers w/ COPD
(b) Alcoholic w/ current jelly sputum
(c) Old M w/ HA, altered mental status, diarrhea
(d) Just had the flu
(e) Farmer w/ vom/diarrhea
(f) Just skinned a rabbit
(a) H. influenza, tx w/ 2-3rd gen ceph
(b) Current jelly sputum = Klebsiella
(c) Legionella
(d) After the flu- c/f staph
(e) Coxiella burnetti (Q fever)
(f) Tulleremia
2 dx: CXR w/ thickened peritracheal stripe and splayed carina bifurcation
- LA enlargement (2/2 bad mitral stenosis)
- Mediastinal lymphadenopathy (2/2 cancer)
ECG finding associated w/ bad pulmonary disease
MAT (multifocal atrial tachycardia)
Gram positive bacteria that is partially acid fast staining
(a) 3 most common
(b) Old and young, add what to tx
(c) In ppl w/ brain surger
(a) H. flu, N. meningitides, strep pneumo
(b) add ampicillin for listeria coverage in old and young
(c) Worry about staph aureus in those w/ recent instrumentation- tx w/ Vanc
Causes of metabolic acidosis
Anion gap = MUDPILES
Nonanion gap = diarrhea, diuretics, RTA (I, II, IV)
Contrast induced nephropathy timeline
48-72 hrs
Tx for RV infarct
NO NITROOOO- will drop preload and can put pt into cardiogenic shock
Instead need aggressive fluid resuscitation
First test if suspecting rhabdo
(a) Tx for rhabdo
EKG and serum K+
(a) Tx for rhabdo: bicarb to alkalinize urine to prevent precipitation
Obstructive vs Restrictive lung disease
(a) Asthma
(b) Obesity
(c) emphysema
(d) sarcoidosis
(a,c) Asthma, emphysema, COPD = obstructive
(b,d) Obesity, sarcoid/asbestosis/silicosis, scoliosis = restrictive