Uworld discreet facts Flashcards
What clotting factors are in fresh frozen plasma?
all coal factors and other proteins: Factors II, VII, IX, X
used in the warfarin (or rodenticide) toxicity
Vitamin K given in warfarin toxicity when
PTT and PT are prolonged but no bleeding
Coag factors in cryoprecipitate?
Factors VIII, XIII, vWF, fibrinogen
Why is desmopressin used in the context of hemophilia A or von willebrand disease?
It increases plasma levels of vWF and Factor VIII
What is a common finding in gallstone lieus (mechanical obstruction of cholesterol gallstone that erode into the intestinal lumen?)
Pneumobilia (air in the biliary tract)
What adrenergic receptor when stimulated inhibits uterine contractions?
Beta 2
Drugs: Isoproterenol, Terbutaline, Ritodrine
flow of fetal circulation
umbilical vein–>liver–>inferior vena cava–>heart–>pulm/shunted to the left side via foramen ovale–>some might bypass the pulm circuit via shunting through the ductus arteriosus then go into the descending aorta–>
What does the prenatal quadruple test consist of
alpha fetoprotein
unconjugated estriol
Inhibin A
When do you see an increase in alpha fetoprotein on a prenatal quadruple test?
Open neural tube defects
ventral wall defects
multiple gestation
Decrease in alpha fetoprotein is see in
Aneuploidies–>Trisomy 21
Decerebrate posturing is from damage at or below the level of the
red nucleus (midbrain tegmentum, pons) because the red nucleus controls the flexors so a lesion here would cause the vestibulospinal tract to dominate (this means the extensors predominate)
Decorticate is from
a lesion above the red nucleus in the cerebral cortex or the internal capsule causes decorticate posturing because that usually inhibits the red nucleus so flexors and extensors predominate and the arms curl up
Where does DNA ligase exert the most work?
On the Okazaki fragments to join the gaps together, also requires repetitive action of the DNA primase to start and stop the segmental joining
Someone withdrawing who is yawning a lot w/ lacrimation and dilated pupils is withdrawing from
PCP is a NMDA agonist or antagonist
NMDA antagonist
NMDA agonists
glutamate, aspartate, D-cycloserine
Acetylcholine, shear stress, and bradykinin exerted on the vascular endothelium leads to increased
increased calcium which increases eNOS which facilitates Arginine and oxygen to be converted to NO and citrulline. The NO dissipates into the smooth muscle and causes guanylate cyclase to convert GTP into cGMP this dissipates into the vascular lumen to cause vasodilation
Rinne test where you bang the tuning fork and place it behind the ear and then in front of the acoustic meatus is normal when which sound is detected?
When you bring the tuning fork off the bone and close to the ear and the person can still hear it despite not being able to hear it on the mastoid–> that is normal. If you can’t hear it in front of your ear then you have conductive hearing loss. if you can’t hear it on the bone it is sensorneural
The Weber test lateralizes sensorineural hearing loss to the unaffected ear and conductive hearing loss to the
affected ear because the conductive hearing loss makes it so that you can’t hear the ambient room noise so you hear the tuning fork on your head best.
What immune cells are in the :
germinal center
paracortical: dendritic cells and T cells
germinal centers and primary lymphoid follicles: mature B cells
What must be ligated to prevent excessive bleeding of the ovary during an oophorectomy
The suspensory ligament of the ovary. The ureter is close to this ligament and must be identified before ligation.
Which cholesterol drug lowers LDL significantly?