UWorld Flashcards
Which type of signals work via
(a) Intracellular receptors
(b) Membrane-bound receptors coupled w/ G-protein
(c) Transmembrane ligand-gated ion channel
(d) Transmembrane receptor associated w/ intrinsic tyrosine kinase
(a) Steroid hormones, thyroid hormone, and vitD
(b) Responding to serum levels of ions
- ex: parathyroid calcium sensing receptors
- glucagon receptors
(c) Neurotransmitters: ACh, 5-HT, GABA
(d) Insulin and insulin-like growth factor stimulate intrinsic tyrosine kinase
In a pt w/ cerebellar ataxia, what does a positive Romberg’s sign help you differentiate
Cerebellarataxia- not sure if it’s a proprioception or a motor coordination problem
+Rombergs (can’t stay balanced w/ eyes closed feet together) = sensory ataxia
-classically tabes dorsalis, B12 deficiency, defect in posterior columns or peripheral nerve
-Rombergs = ataxia 2/2 impaired motor coordination = central
Chronic alcoholic p/w hepatomegaly, increased JVP, and pitting edema w/ scattered ecchymoses
Plts 120k, PT 26s, aPTT 38s
Results unchanged after dose of vitamin K repletion
Cause of lab abnormality?
Factor VII deficiency: factor VII is a part of the extrinsic pathway => causes abnormal PT
-not factor VIII deficiency, factor VIII produced by endothelial cells and prolongs aPTT not PT
19 yo p/w gradual worsening of blurry vision
- tall and thin
- pectus excavatum on physical exam
(a) Dx
(b) Mutation
(c) Most likely cause of death
(a) Marfan syndrome: key involvement of eyes, skeleton, and CV system
(b) Mutation in fibrillin-1 gene
(c) CV lesions, specifically aortic disease
Risks of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents in pts w/ CKD
EPO and darbapoetin alpha can help the anemia, but increased risk for HTN and thromboembolic events
Increased thromboembolic events 2/2 increased blood viscosity from increased red cell mass, HTN mechanism unclear
64 yo M p/w urinary frequency/dribbling x6mo, given drug then notices increases in hair growth over scalp
Which drug was he given?
Given finesteride = 5alpha reductase inhibitor- inhibits peripheral conversion of T –> DHT
-pts w/ androgenic alopecia have higher 5alpha reductase
Macroorchidism + ID
Fragile X = 2nd MC cause of MR in males, characteristic macroorchidism
What embryologic layer do the following arise from?
(a) Internal genitalia
(b) Salivary and sweat glands
(c) Sensory ganglia
(d) Adrenal cortex
(e) Adrenal medulla
Embryologic layer
(a) Internal genitalia from mesoderm
(b) Salivary and sweat glands (and mammary glands) from surface ectoderm
(c) Sensory ganglia (PNS) from neural crest of the ectoderm
(d) Adrenal cortex from the mesoderm
(e) Adrenal medulla from neural crest of the ectoderm
Group of malignant epithelial cells w/ decreased surface expression of MHC class I antigen
(a) Which immune cell will kill these transformed epithelial cells?
(b) Mechanism of death
(a) Natural killer cells: NK cells destroy cells w/ decreased or absent MHC class I (which is seen in virally infected and tumor cells)
(b) Perforins pop hole in target cell membrane, granzymes induce target cell apoptosis
- death by causing apoptosis (not by directly lysing cells)
Lymphoma that produces a protein that works by
(a) Apoptosis inhibition
(b) DNA repair
(c) Regulation of G1 to S-phase transition
(a) Bcl2 = apoptosis inhibitor upregulated by t(14,15) seen in follicular lymphoma
(b) Mutations in DNA repair enzymes cause BRCA breast cancer, Lynch syndrome, xeroderma pigmentosum
(c) Cyclin D1 translocation w/ Ig heavy chain (t11,14) = mantle cell lymphoma
Distinguish mechanism of risedronate and raloxifene in the tx of osteoporosis
Risendronate (bisphosphonate) binds to binding sites on bone to inhibit bone resorption by mature osteoclasts
While SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators) like raloxifene slow bone loss by inhibiting osteoclast differentiation
What’s better to dx type I diabetes: OGTT or fasting blood glucose
Fasting blood glucose over 126 is diagnostic (also get HbA1C w/ it)
No need for expensive and annoying OGTT
2 MC causes of acute otitis media
Haemophilis influenza and Strep pneumo
CSF gram stain shows bean-shaped gram negative cocci in pairs
(a) Organism
(b) Mode of transmission
(a) Gram negative cocci in pairs = neisseria species, if causing meningitis (sample is from CSF)- assume neisseria meningitides (instead of neisseria gonorrhea)
(b) Respiratory droplets- carriers have nasopharyngeal colonization
Differentiate DNA polymerase I and III
DNA pol I in bacteria removes RNA primer via 5’ to 3’ exonuclease activity
DNA pol III elongates new DNA strand: has 5’ to 3’ polymerase and 3’ to 5’ exonuclease (proofreading) activity
What artery supplies the inferior surface of the heart
Posterior descending artery, derived from the RCA (in 85-90%)
62 yo F p/w ST segment elevation in inferior leads w/ BP 90/60 and HR 42. Initial tx started, BP now 120/70 w/ HR 76
(a) What tx was given?
(b) How this might cause eye pain
(a) Inferior MI (2/2 RCA blockage) often associated w/ bradycardia since RCA supply SA and AV node
- treat bradycardia w/ atropine (blocks vagal influence to increase HR)
(b) Atropine in the eye dilates the pupil, which can precipitate angle-closure glaucoma
Explains eye pain after pt who presents w/ inferior MI is treated
Nerve that travels thru obturator canal
(a) Motor control
(b) Sensory control
Obturator nerve = only major nerve that exits pelvis thru obturator foramen
(a) Controls thigh adduction
(b) Sensory over distal medial thigh
- supply thigh adductor muscles: adductor longus, brevis, magnus
Glomerular deposits seen in
(a) Post-strep GN
(b) Lupus nephritis
(c) Rapid proliferative GN
(d) Diabetic nephropathy
(a) C3b-Ig (immune complex)
(b) Lupus nephritis = IgE
(c) Crescentic (rapid proliferative) GN = fibrin deposits
(d) Hyaline accumulation = acellular deposits of plasma proteins
Holosystolic murmur best hard at apex of the heart that radiates to the axilla
(a) What is the murmur?
(b) Which auscultative finding is the best indicator of severity?
(a) Mitral regurg
(b) Presence of audible S3
- S3 indicates LV volume overload, increased LV filling of regurg flow that enters the ventricule duirng diastole
Key clinical feature of severe aortic insufficiency
Widened pulse pressure causes head bobbing and bounding pulses (palpitations, head pounding)
Ex: Pt experiences head pounding accompanied by involuntary head bobbing with exercise
Lymphoma that presents w/ thymic mass in a teenager
8 yo boy w/ fever, throat pain, dysphagia to solid foods has bloodwork revealing blasts in peripheral smear
Most likely cause = T-cell ALL
-thymic mass compressing esophagus => dysphagia
Two drugs for malaria tx and their actions
- Chloroquine to eradicate plasmodia from bloodstream
- Primaquine to eradicate hyponozoites responsible for latent hepatic infection
- specifically P viva and P ovale (and not P falciparum) form intrahepatic stage (hypnozoites) responsible for relapse
21 yo F started on new medication yesterday experiences facial flushing, HA, N/V, abdominal cramps after moderate EtOH use
What is the new med treating her for?
Recall that metronidazole (flagyl) can cause disulfram (antabuse)-like reaction due to acetaldehyde buildup
So pt being treated for trichomonas vaginalis or bacterial vaginosis w/ metronidazole, causing disulfram-like reaction w/ EtOH
Hence why we tell ppl on flagyl to avoid EtOH
20 yo p/w intractible vomiting and abdominal pain after weeks of anorexia and wt loss
- h/o hypothyroidism tx appropriately
- BP 80/40, HR 120, generalized hyperpigmentation, FS 60
(a) Dx
(b) Immediate step in tx
(a) Acute adrenal insufficiency = adrenal crisis
- hypotension/shock w/ N/V/abdominal pain, weakness, fever
- wt loss and hyperpigmentation suggestive of Addison’s disease (primary adrenal insufficiency)- also fits w/ h/o hypothyroidism (increased risk of other autoimmune stuff)
(b) Aggressive fluid resuscitation and immediate glucocorticoid supplmentation
Elevated C3 in what kidney d/o?
C3 is elevated in post-strep GN
-C4 can be decreased, but not always
Why does HepD need another Hep virus
HepD needs HepB- hepD alone is replication-defective => can only cause infection when encapsulated w/ HBsAg
Which thionamide is safe during pregnancy
Thionamides (antithyroid drugs): methimazole, propylthiouracil
PTU safe during pregnancy, while methimazole is a 1st trimester teratogen
Name two organisms that use a polysaccharide capsule as a virulence factor?
(a) Mechanism of virulence
Both Haemophilus influenzae and Strep pneumo have polysaccharide capsule
(a) Polysaccharide inhibits phagocytosis by macrophages and neutrophils (innate immunity) => need to wait for adaptive immunity to recognize capsular antigens to effectively phagocytose encapsulated organisms
Differentiate the mechanism of the two main BPH drugs
Finesteride (5alpha reductase inhibitor, inhibits T –> DHT) reduces size of the prostate
- b/c DHT stimulates prostate growth
- b/c of this it can take 6-12 months to have max effect
While Alpha-blocker (Tamsulosin) relaxes smooth muscle of bladder, doesn’t change size of the prostate
Increased risk of which two malignancies in Down’s syndrome
AML (acute myelogenous leukemia) and ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) b/c both involve translocations w/ chromosome 21
MC location of pancreatic pseudocyst
(a) Explain why they form
Lesser peritoneal sac = just posterior to the stomach, is the most common location of a pancreatic pseudocyst
(a) Pancreatic enzymes induce inflammatory reaction, forming granulation tissue that encapsulates fluid collection (fluid is leakage of pancreatic secretions out of damaged pancreatic ducts)
53 yo w/ COPD and cor pulmonale- why doesn’t he have peripheral edema?
Core pulmonale 2/2 COPD: increased CVP (RA pressure) increases capillary hydrostatic pressure, which is offset by increased tissue lymphatic drainage
As interstitial fluid pressure increases (from the hydrostatic capillary pressure) so does lymphatic drainage which can compensate for moderate CVP elevations
Describe the mechanism of hepatic encephalopathy
Increased ammonia and neurotoxins =>
- increased inhibitory neurotransmission (so increased GABA)
- impaired excitatory nt release
How do cranial nerves VII-X exit the skull?
CN VII and VIII exit the internal acoustic meatus
CN IX, X, XI exit out the jugular foramen
Mechanism of NSAIDs
(a) How this may interfere w/ furosemide effect
NSAIDs work by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis
(a) Furosemide inhibits NaK2Cl symporter at ascending loop of Henle to increase Na, Cl, fluid excretion
- furosemide (and other loop diuretics) also secrete PGE to cause vasodilation and increase GFR (enhancing diuretic effect)
- so NSAIDs blunt diuretic response by interrupting prostaglandins
How would a pt w/ trochlear nerve palsy present?
Trochlear nerve (CN VI) innervates superior oblique that intorts and depresses the eye => vertical diplopia worsened by looking down (ex: when pt walking down stairs) or in towards the nose (intorting, ex: harder to read morning newspaper)
Mechanism of desmospressin therapy for
(a) Bleeding d/o
- which bleeding d/o?
(b) Central DI and nocturnal enuresis
(a) Desmopressin (DDAVP) for mild hemophilia A and type 1 von willebrand diseases increases circulating factor VIII and endothelial secretion of vWF to step bleeding
(b) DDAVP binds to V2 receptors in renal tubular cells, increasing aquaporin channels to increase water reabsorption and decrease urine output
Enzyme mutated in Xeroderma pigmentosum
UV-specific endonuclease
-so endonuclease complex that recognizes and cleaves deformed helix (due to thymine dimers formed in response to UV light) is mutated => these kids are super sun sensitive and have a super high risk of skin cancer
Explain how the following increase risk for nephrolithiasis
(a) Primary hyperparathyroidism
(b) Crohn disease
High Ca, oxalate, uric acid promote salt cystallization. High urinary citrate and fluid intake prevent calculi formation
(a) Hypercalcemia- excess calcium precipitates (b/c supersaturated) in urine
(b) Crohn disease- hyperoxaluria (intestinal malabsorption of Ca available to bind/trap oxalate in gut)
Pt’s neutrophils fail to turn blue following exposure to nitroblue tetrazoium
Characteristic test for chronic granulomatous disease
2/2 X-linked mutation in NADPH oxidase => inability of phagocytes to do oxygen-dependent intracellular killing => recurrent bacterial and fungal infections, especially w/ catalase-positive organisms that destroy H2O2
Carotid bodies vs. central chemoreceptors in what they react to
(a) Impact of COPD on this response
Carotid bodies (peripheral chemoreceptor): react to mostly PaCO2, but also PaO2 when it's low enough (a) Pts w/ long-standing COPD have decreased sensitivity to PaCO2 (since they're chronic retainers). If severe they have profound hypoxemia, so arterial PaO2 becomes a more significant contributor to respiratory drive
Central chemoreceptors (located in medulla) respond to pH of surrounding CSF, major stimulus = PaCO2 -not effected by blood pH b/c BBB is impermeable to H+, instead reacts to arterial PaCO2
Main molecular mediator in paraneoplastic cachexia
Aka why do ppl w/ cancer undergo weight loss, malaise, and generalized wasting
- produced by macrophages
- works by suppressing appetite and increasing basal metabolic rate
Phenytoin indications
(a) CNS side effect
(b) Peripheral side effect
Phenytoin = anti-epileptic that blocks voltage-gated sodium channels to tx grand-mal seizures, partial seizures, and status epilepticus
(a) Ataxia and nystagmus
(b) Gingival hyperplasia 2/2 excess PDGF expression
Mode of inheritance of hyper-IgM syndrome
X-linked recessive: CD40L deficiency
-recall CD40L deficiency causes failure of Ab class switching in B cells (b/c B cells can’t stimulate helper T cells to secrete IL4/5 to cause class switching) so all T cells remain as immature form which secrete IgM
Cells contributing to destruction in emphysema
It’s activation of macrophages and neutrophils (macrophages activated by chemicals in cig smoke, then macrophages attract neutrophils)
Macrophages and neutrophils both release proteases that destroy acinar walls = permanent destruction of airspaces
Would monomeric beta-hemoglobin have a higher or lower affinity for oxygen than HbA?
HbA (tetramer of 2A and 2B units) has a much lower affinity for O2 than myoglobin (single monomer, used to store O2 in skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue)
Single Hb units have similar characteristics to myoglobin => a single beta-Hb unit would have a much higher affinity for O2 than HbA
How does the pancreatic ductal system differ in pancreatic divisum?
When the dorsal and ventral pancreatic buds fail to fuse (pancreatic divisum): accessory duct (instead of main duct) drains the majority of the pancreas
Location of carotid sinus
(a) Afferent limb of carotid sinus reflex
Carotid sinus = dilation of internal carotid artery just above the bifurcation of the common carotid artery
(a) Afferent limb: baroreceptor signals travel back to vagal nucleus and medullary centers via glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
- while efferent limb carries parasympathetic fibers via the vagus
But carotid massage works via glossopharyngeal
Features of atypical depression
Increased appetite and sleep
Leaden paralysis- heavy feelings in arms/legs
Rejection sensitivity
Mood reactivity
Particularly benefit from MAOIs
TEE probe anteriorly visualizes left atrium, what does it visualize posteriorly?
Posteriorly see descending aorta
Trachea runs btwn the LA and the descending abdominal aorta
Heart failure medication that can cause hearing difficulty
Furosemide (loop diuretic- inhibits NKCC transporter at ascending loop) blocks similar symporters in inner ear => ototoxicity
Possible explanation for the on-off phenomenon of levodopa tx in Parkinson disease
Consequence of progressive nigrostriatal pathway degeneration => decreased therapeutic window for levodopa
How to diagnose legionella
Legionella urine antigen
Test has specificity of 80% and sensitivity of 90%
P that pt truly doesn’t have disease if they test negative?
Question is asking for the negative predictive value of the test
NPV = (ppl who test negative and don’t have disease) / (ppl who test negative overall)
NPV = specificity / all negative tests
-all negative tests = specificity + (100-sensitivity)
So NPV = 80 / 90 = 89%
Function of the following cell junctions
(a) Gap jxns
(b) Tight jxns
(c) Adherens jxn
(d) Desmosomes and hemidesmosomes
Cell junctions have different functions (lolz that rhymes)
(a) Gap jxns for intracellular communication
(b) Tight jxns as a paracellular barrier (barrier btwn cells)
(c,d) Adherens, desmosomes, and hemidesmosomes are cellular anchors
What type of infarction is seen in pulmonary embolism?
Hemorrhagic infarction (not ischemic infarction) is seen b/c the lung has dual blood supply
MC renal neoplasm
(a) MC subtype of this renal neoplasm
(b) Cell of origin
(c) Macroscopic appearance
MC renal neoplasm = renal cell carcinoma (RCC)
(a) MC subtype of RCC = clear cell carcinoma
(b) Clear cell carcinoma arises from the epithelium of the proximal renal tubules
(c) Yellow fatty appearance b/c of high lipid content
Explain the importance of gap junctions in a gravid uterus
Communicating (gap) junctions important for coordination and synchronization of myometrial cells for contractions during labor
-estrogen stimulates upregulation of gap junctiosn btwn individual myometrial smooth muscle cells to allow synchronized myometrial excitability
12 yo M found to have wide, fixed splitting of S2
Do surgical repair of present congenital heart defect to prevent irreversible changes of what part of the cardiopulmnary circuit?
Wide, fixed splitting of S2 = ASD (atrial septal defect)
-surgery to prevent irreversible changes in pulmonary vessels
Starts w/ L to R shunt, increasing blood flow thru pulm arteries which can lead to Eisenmenger syndrome = reversal of shunt as a result of chronic pulmonary HTN
Differentiate sexual development influences of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone
T: internal male genitalia development, spermatogenesis, male differentiation at puberty (muscle mass, libido, deepened voice)
DHT: development of male external genitalia, prostate growth, male-pattern hair growth
So in 5alpha reductase (catalyzes T –> DHT) deficiency- have normal internal genitalia w/ small phalus and hypospadias, raised as female until puberty when masculinize
Coagulase and catalase negative
PYR test positive
Which pathogen?
Pathogen = strep pyogenes (group A strep)
- catalase is how to differentiate staph (catalase negative) vs. strep (catalase positive) species
- PYR test is rather specific for step pyogenes (group A strep)
Differentiate the formulas for relative risk vs. relative risk reduction
Relative risk = (tx rate/control rate)
Relative risk reduction = ARR / (control rate)
-while ARR = control rate - tx rate
What is a complete AV canal defect?
(a) Feature of what disease
Complete AV canal defect = basically ASD and VSD 2/2 failure of endocardial cushion fusion
(a) MC type of cardiac defect in Down syndrome
Differentiate etiology of male infertility in CF vs. Kartagener syndrome
CF- b/l absence of vas deferens (azoospermia)
Kartagener syndrome => impaired sperm motility
Rank fastest to slowest conduction: AV node, atrial muscle, ventricular muscle, Purkinje system
Fastest: Purkinje system
Atrial muscle
Ventricular muscle
Slowest: AV node
-conduction speed in atrial master is faster than that of ventricular muscle
PTH levels in osteoporosis
Normal PTH, calcium, and phosphorus
It’s not due to bone breakdown, just age (and maybe estrogen) causing low bone mass
Which HIV drugs directly impair the following steps
(a) cDNA synthesis
(b) fusion of viral and host membranes
(c) mRNA transcription
(d) polyprotein cleavage
(e) viral attachment
(a) Reverse transcriptase inhibitors (AZT)
(b) Fusion inhibitors bind HIV’s transmembrane envelope protein gp41 (ex: enfuvirtide)
(c) mRNA transcription inhibited by integrase inhibitors b/c HIV DNA can’t integrate into host genome = Raltegravir
(d) Protease inhibitor = saquinavir, ritonavir
(e) HIV envelope protein gp120 must bind to CD4 and chemokine receptor (CXCR4 or CCR5) => CCR5 antagonists block attachment so HIV cells can’t get into CD4” T cells or macrophages = maraviroc
What type of organism responsible for
(a) Severe coughing spells w/ post-tussive emesis
(b) MC cause of community acquired pneumonia
(a) Paroxysmal phase of pertussis (whooping cough)- can present in adults who didn’t get vaccine booster
Type of organism = gram negative coccobacillus
(b) Strep pneumo is a gram positive diplococci
Overall mechanism of general anesthesia
(a) Effect of general anesthesia on blood flow to key organs
Works by inhibition of neuronal activity by increasing the inhibitory action of GABA
(a) Decreased hepatic and renal blood flow (decreased GFR), decreased cardiac output, hypotension, buttttt
* *increased in cerebral blood flow (2/2 decreased vascular resistance)- causing undesirable effect of increased ICP
Location of DBS to treat Parkinsonism
Subthalamic nucleus
-or also globus pallidus internus, both which promote thalamo-cortical disinhibition to improve mobility
- inhibited normally by globus pallidus externus
- while subthalamic nucleus excites globus pallidus internus and substantia nigra
28 yo M post-op p/w fever and muscle rigidity, BP 190/100 HR 130, muscle stiffness and cyanotic skin mottling
(a) Dx
(b) Mechanism of disease
(c) Tx
(a) Malignant hyperthermia
(b) Defective ryanodine receptors on SR that cause excess Ca2+ release in response to anesthetic, excess Ca2+ needs to be pumped back in (uses ATP, generates tons of heat) and damages muscle cells => rhabdo
(c) Tx w/ dantrolene to decrease Ca release from ryanodine receptors
3 steps to treatment of peripheral artery disease that manifests as intermittent claudication
Tx for peripheral artery disease
- Graded exercise regimen
- Cilostazol = PDE inhibitor that inhibits platelet aggregation and directly causes arterial dilation
- Aspirin for secondary prevention of heart disease and stroke
Minimal change disease
(a) Mechanism of pathology
(b) Light microscopy finding
(c) Electron microscopy finding
Minimal change disease = nephrotic syndrome in children
(a) Systemic T cell dysfunction causes production of cytokine (glomerular permeability factor) that damages podocytes
(b) Normal glomeruli on light microscopy
(c) Podocyte food process effacement and fusion on electron microscopy
What is beta-lactamase?
(a) Clinical significance
Beta-lactamase = enzyme produced by bacteria to break up the beta-lactam in the wall of lactam antibiotics (ex: penicillin)
(a) Lead to creation of penicilinase-resistant penicillins (methicillin, oxacillin, nafcillin) and beta-lactamas inhibitors (clavulante, tazobactam, sulbactam)
Differentiate genital ulcers seen from Haemophilus ducreyi vs. poxvirus
Haemophilus ducreyi causes chancroid = painful ulcers w/ grey exudate and inguinal lymphadenopathy (ducreyi = you cry)
Poxvirus causes granuloma inguinale: painless, ulcerative lesion w/o lymphadenopathy
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
(a) MC organism
(b) CT finding
(c) Lab findings
ABPA = hypersensitivity response to aspergillus fungus
(a) MC 2/2 aspergillus fumigatus
(b) CT: proximal bronchiectasis (abnormal airway dilation)
(c) Lab: eosinophilia and hyper-IgE
2 actions of Cilostazol
Cilostazol = first line medication for peripheral artery disease causing intermittent claudication
- inhibits platelet aggregation
- causes direct arterial vasodilation
Mechanism of fenofibrate therapy
Fenofibrates reduce TG by reducing hepatic VLDL production
-activate PPAR-gamma to decrease hepatic VLDL production and increase LPL (TG and VDL to TGs)
Similar to omega-3 FAs that they decrease VLDL production
Receptors needed for HIV virus to infect cell
(a) Envelope protein
(b) T-cell proteins
(a,b) HIV outer envelope protein gp120 binds both CD4 and CCR5 on T-cells
-if CD4 cells don’t express CCR5 protein, HIV virus binds CD4 but is unable to enter the cell => pts w/ both CCR5 receptor genes deleted are resistant to HIV
15 yo boy presents w/ poor exercise intolerance
-severe muscle cramping and urine discoloration and exercise strain, improved by oral glucose solution before strenuous activity
(a) Dx
(b) Enzyme deficiency
(a) McArdle disease
(b) Deficiency in glycogen phosphorylase => inhibited breakdown of glycogen during exercise
poor exercise tolerance, muscle cramps, rhabdo, no rise in lactate after exercise
Severe right sided eye pain and ipsilateral HA, pt seeing ‘halos’ around objects
(a) Dx
(b) Explain mechanism of acetazolamide for tx
(a) Acute angle-closure glaucoma
(b) Tx w/ acetazolamide = inhibits carbonic anhydrase, found mostly in proximal tubule and needed for NaHCO3 absorption
=> acetazolamide tx results in diuresis w/ highly alkaline urine