UW revision alcohol hepatitis+abnormal liver test aproach Hx 03-04 (2) Flashcards
AH. CP? general
fever, anorexia, jaudice
AH. CP? abdomen
RUQ and/or epigastric pain (hepatic pain)
Abdominal distension due to ascites (if cirrhosis)
Possible hepatic encephalopathy (gal labiau if cirrhosis)
AH. CP? muscles
Proximal muscle weakness from muscle wasting if malnourished
AST>=2 : ALT
Both elevated, but usually less than <300 and almost always <500.
can be mild transaminitis in usmle. Eg both <100, just AST a bit higher than ALT
Both normal <50
AH. Lab other elevated?
Ferritin (acute phase reactant)
INR, bilirubin
AH. Lab blood?
leukocytes (neutrophiles)
AH. albumin?
decr. if malnourished
AH. imaging?
Abdominal imaging may show fatty liver
Biopsy - mallory hyaline
Abnormal liver lab. Hx. Alco?
detailed alcohol intake assessment (frequency, quantity)
Abnormal liver lab. Hx. hepatitis?
Hepatitis risk factors assesments - eg sexual history
Abnormal liver lab. Hx. medications?
medications review (eg acetaminophen, supplement use)
Abnormal liver lab. Hx. family?
Family Hx eg autoimmune disease
Abnormal liver lab. Assess CP? 4
Stigmata of cirrhosis (palmar erythema, spider angiomas)
Signs of malignancy (lymph node enlargement)
Volume overload (elevated JVP)
Visceral obesity (truncal obesity)
Abnormal liver lab. Diagnostic test? in general
Selective lab tests based on risk factors.
Abnormal liver lab. Diagnostic test. HEPATOCELLULAR PATTERN?
Viral serologies, antinuclear antibody, iron studies
Abnormal liver lab. Diagnostic test. CHOLESTATIC PATTERN?
GGT, pancreatic enzymes, liver UG