uveitis Flashcards
what is anterior uveitis?
Anterior uveitis describes inflammation of the anterior portion of the uvea - iris and ciliary body.
what antibody assoc with anterior uveitis?
may be seen in association with other HLA-B27 linked conditions
what are features of anterior uveitis?
acute onset
ocular discomfort & pain (may increase with use)
pupil may be small +/- irregular due to sphincter muscle contraction
photophobia (often intense)
blurred vision
red eye
ciliary flush: a ring of red spreading outwards
hypopyon; describes pus and inflammatory cells in the anterior chamber, often resulting in a visible fluid level
visual acuity initially normal → impaired
what conditions is anterior uveitis assoc with?
ankylosing spondylitis
reactive arthritis
ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease
Behcet’s disease
sarcoidosis: bilateral disease may be seen
how do you manage anterior uveitis?
urgent review by ophthalmology
cycloplegics (dilates the pupil which helps to relieve pain and photophobia) e.g. Atropine, cyclopentolate
steroid eye drops