Utility, Demand Functions, Elasticity Flashcards
What is indirect utility?
max utility = U[x1*(p1, ..,pn, I), x2*(p1, …, pn, I),…]
= V(p1, p2, …, pn, I).
v = indirect utility
Optimal utility depends indirectly on price of goods and income.
What does the expenditure function show and what is its relationship to indirect utility?
Expenditure function shows minimal expenditures necessary to achieve a given utility level for a particular set of prices. minimal expenditures = E(p1,p2, …,p3, U).
Expenditure funtion and indirect utility function are inverse functions of one another.
e.g. V(px, py, I) = I / [2px0.5py0.5] , where I is income.
E(PxPy, U) = 2Px0.5Py0.5U, where U is utility
(*Don’t inverse the constraint).
What are the axioms of rational choice?
- Completeness –> All preference orderings are known.
- Transivity –> If A < B and B < C, then A < C
- Continuity –> If A is preferred to B, then situations suitably close to A must be preferred to B
- Non-satiation –> More is better
Explain uniqueness of utility measures.
Notion of utility is defined only up to an order-preserving (monotonic) transformation. One can say A > B, but not A is 1.5 times greater than B.
Implies not possible to compare utilities of different people.
What is the marginal rate of substitution?
The rate at which good x can be traded for good y. It is negative of the slope of the indifference curve (IC) at some specific point.
MRS = -dy/dx = MUx/MUY
A convex indiffernce curve says what about consumer preferences?
Consumers prefer a balance of goods rather than a lot of one good one little of another.
Name four common utility functions.
- Cobb-Douglas: U(x,y) = xay1-a
- IC is convex
- Perfect substitutes: U(x,y) = ax + by
- IC is straight diaganol line.
- a = alpha; b = beta
- Perfect complements: U(x,y) = min(ax,by)
- L shaped IC
- a = alpha; b = beta
- CES Utility: Constant elasticity of substitution
Are Cobb-Douglas, perfect substitute, perfect complements, and CES utilities homothetic?
Yes: The MRS depends only on the ratio of the amounts of two goods, not on absolute quantities of the goods.
- Cobb-Douglas: MRS = a/b * y/x
- a = alpha; b = beta
- perfect substitutes: MRS is the same at every point.
- perfect complements:
- MRS is infinity for y/x > a/b
- MRS is undefined when y/x = a/b
- MRS is 0 when y/x < a/b
What is an example of a utility function with non-homothetic preferences?
y is a neutral, i.e. straight horizontal line extending from y-axis. MRS = y so MRS diminishes as y diminishes, BUT is independent of x ‘cuz x has constant MU.
Willingness to give up y to get one more x depends only on how much y have.
Outline steps for maximizing utility given a budget constraint (BC).
- FOC: Point of tangency between BC and IC
- Slope of BC = Slope of IC
- Px/Py = -dy/dx = MRS. ==> Substitution of x for y.
- SOC: In order for necessary condition to also be sufficient one assumes that the MRS is diminshing, i.e. the utility function is strictly quasi-concave.
Rule of thumb for maximizing utility when have corner solutions?
- If slope of the BC is flatter than slope of ICs, the optimal point is on horizontal axis.
- If slope of the BC is steeper than the slope of the ICs, the optimal point is on the vertical axis.
Outline steps to maximize utility w/more than 2 goods s.t. BC (interior solutions).
- Set-up Lagrangian expression
- Set-up partial derivatives of L.
- Set equal to 0 and solve.
- SOC for maximum: Assumption of strict quai-concavity (diminishing MRS) is sufficient to ensure solution would be true max.
Interpret the Lagrange multiplier (lambda) in utility maximization.
At the optimum point, each good purchased should have an idential MB-to-MC ratio, i.e. an extra dollar should yield the same “additional utility” no matter which good it’s spent on.
Lambda can be regarded as MU of an extra $1 of consumption expenditure, i.e. MU of Income
How do FOC for maximization of utility with a corner solution differ from max with an interior solution?
Rater than partial derivatives of Lagrangian expression being set = 0, they are set < 0.
Given a demand function:
QD = 2P-0.25
What is the inverse demand function?
Inverse Demand Function:
P = 16QD-4
How can the type of good (substitute, complement, normal/inferior) be determined from the demand function?
- Substitute: f(Px2) > 0
- Complement: f(Px2) < 0
- Normal Good: f(Inc) > 0
- Inferior Good: f(Inc) < 0
**Above are all partial derivatives of the function:
QD1 = f(Px1,Px2,I)
Formula for MRS (Indifference Curves)
MRS = -dy/dx -for all- [U(x,y)=k]
MRS = -dy/dx = MUx / MUy