Utilitarianism Flashcards
what is ethical behaviour
behaviour according to virtuous behaviour
what is morality
actions are right or wrong rather than the character of the person performing them
normative ethics
asking what things are good and what are bad, what is right or wrong. “is sex before marriage wrong’
descriptive ethics
describes and compares ways societies answer a moral question ‘what do muslim and christian tradition teach about sex before marriage’
‘philosophical ethics’ what do we mean when we say good, bed, right, wrong ‘what does it mean when you say sex before marriage is wrong’
what are the two branches of normative ethics
teleological and deontological
end consequence of an action, rightness or wrongness of an action is judged by its outcome
important thing is action, not result. concerned with nature of the action as acts are intrinsically right or wrong.
> consequence of actions
Jeremy Bentham
‘greatest happiness for greatest number’
1) views on good and bad and what drives humans
2) principle of utility
3) hedonic calculus
what is the principle of utility
and action is right if it produces the greatest good for the greatest number
What is the Hedonic calculus
weighs up pleasure and pain 1] its intensity 2] its duration 3] its certainty and uncertainty 4] its propinquity or remoteness 5] its fecundity- chance of being followed by more pleasure or more pain 6] it purity- chance or being followed by sensations of the following kind 7] its extent- how many does it effect
in what ways is utilitarianism compatible with religious approaches
> idea of sacrifice
buddist ideal of avoiding suffering
in what ways is utilitarianism uncompatible with religious approaches
> moral codes (10 commandments) can be broken
were we born to suffer?
sanctity of life overlooked
Act utilitarianism
> only thing that matters is the amount of happiness or unhappiness caused
no-ones happiness is more important than others
Benthams approach (is similar to this)
criticisms of Act utilitarianism
> justify any act
impractical to judge every time
Extreme results - woman going to cinema
Special responsibility- dad and cancer specialist in crash
justice- innocent to jail as deterrent
some pain is good, some pleasure is bad- sadistic guard
hard to meet all 7 point of calculus
positives of Act Utilitarianism
> happiness is promoted > majority are happy > assess all areas > makes you think > flexible
Rule Utilitarianism
> John Stuart Mill- believed in higher and lower pleasures., differed between qualitative and quantitative
higher qualitative pleasure preferred over lower quantitative
the pursuit of bodily pleasures is not a high pleasure
rules are made to achieve higher pleasures; acts are judged to right or wrong by reference to these rules; so universal welfare is established -> actions are right is they follow the rule.
criticisms of Rule utilitarianism
> different people consider different things higher and lower pleasures
different values in life
applies to wealthy
is it too complex?
effects minorities- slavery acceptable as long as they are minority
selfish- basing your own higher pleasures over basic needs
positives of rule utilitarianism
> overcomes problems from Act Utilitarianism- woman to cinema
preference utilitarianism
a utilitarian theory interested in the best consequence for those involved rather than what creates pleasure and pain
> Peter Singer
how worthwhile is the pursuit of happiness and is that all people desire? worthwhile-
> happiness is intrinsically good
achieving greatest happiness for greatest good is useful
pursuing happiness makes your perform better
if it is a group pleasure rather than selfish aim
good for mental well-being
purpose in life
how worthwhile is the pursuit of happiness and is that all people desire? not worthwhile-
> doesn’t guarantee a good outcome
can be achieved through evil means
what you perceive as happiness might not be it when you find it
our happiness might cause others misery
‘no pain, no gain’
have to receive pain to appreciate pleasure
will we ever be truly happy?
material pleasure change and end
Which is more important pain or pleasure? ending pain and suffering or increasing pleasure? ending pain and suffering-
> outcome more pleasurable
better to end all suffering so more people enjoy pleasure
quality of pleasure may be poor or lower so not worth pursuing
increase of pleasure could mean increase in pain for others
ending suffering is kinder
type of pain
Which is more important pain or pleasure? ending pain and suffering or increasing pleasure? increasing pleasure-
> need pain to appreciate pleasure
never going to please everyone so make majority happy
sometimes to achieve good some have to suffer
if pain is minimal pleasure is more important
pleasure for many is better than none