Scholars Flashcards
Bentham Utilitarianism
> Nature has placed man under two sovereign masters, pleasure and pain, they decide what we do
> the greatest happiness for the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation
Mill Utilitarianism
> It is better to be a human disatisfied than a pig sattisfied, to be Socrates disatisifed than a fool satisfied
> people tend to pursue bodily pleasures, pursue sensual indulgences to the injury of health
Trotsky Utilitarianism
The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end
Kant Utilitarianism
Settle, for sure and universally, what conduct will premote happiness of a rational being
Singer Utilitarianism
Do what is best that will have the best consequence for all
Mary Warnock Euthanasia
those with loss of dignity should be respected
Bible Euthanasia
death is better than a miserable life and eternal rest than chronic sickness
Camus Euthanasia
pain relief at childbirth but none at death, both decisions are to do with life and death and the individuals choice
Professor Hans King Euthanasia
contraception is widley accepted in the Catholic Laity, so too should VE
Annie Lindsell Euthanasia
saying people are forced into VE is like saying making love is rape
Fletcher Euthanasia
people in a vegitative state are not people
Mother Teresa Abortion
the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her child, what is left, for me to kill you and you too kill me
Tony Blair Abortion
as much as i dislike the idea of abortion, you should not crimalise a woman, who in a difficult circumstance, makes that choice
Margret Sanger Abortion
no woman can call herself free who does not have control over her body
Judith Jarvis Thomson Abortion
> violinist
women have less right if no contraception is used
Second vatican Abortion
life must be protected for the moment of conception, abortion and infanticide are of the most abdominable crimes
Church of England Abortion
> although, the feotus is to be specially respected and protected, nonetheless the life of the feotus is not absolutely sacrosanct if it endangers the life of the mother
J Glover Abortion
invisable womb
lesser of two evils Abortion
christians need to face frankly that in an imperfect world the right choice is sometimes the acceptance of the lesser of two evils
Dawkins Situation ethics
perfect in a world of saints, but useless in a world of sinners, those who follow Situation ethics will loose
Hoose Situation ethics
it is never right to go against principle unless there is a proportionate reason to do so
Romans 13:8 Situation ethics
owe no one anything, except love
Bultmann Situation ethics
no ethic other than love thy neighbour in Bible, Jesus didn’t teach a system, only love thy neighbour
Bishop Robinson Situation ethics
Assertations about love are in the last analysis assertations about God
Tillich Situation ethics
love is an ontological part of the human condition
Fletcher Situation ethics
> morality depends on situation
> there is no conscience, it is merely a word for our attempts to make a decision creativlry, fittingly and constructively
> there are no rules, absolutely none
> not ‘good or ‘right’, but ‘fittingly’
Fletcher on Legalism
with this approach one enters into everyday decision making with a whole apparatus of fabricated rules and regulations
Arguments against euthanasia
> Thou shalt not kill
God made man in his own image Gensis
God gave and God take away -Job