Utilitarianism (30) Flashcards
Explain how both Bentham’s Utilitarianism and Mill’s Utilitarianism may be applied to one ethical issue of your choice. (Do not choose abortion or euthanasia.) (30)
> Intro- choose an issue, e.g. choosing whether or not to go to war.
Basic Util: Teleological, hedonism, Principle of utility, greatest happiness
Bentham: Act util, benefits and Hedonic calculus applied to war situation, explain how it works
Mill: How Mills is different: higher/ lower pleasures, qualitative and how rule utilitarianism can be applied to it
Conc: Sum up some differences of Mill and Bentham and sum up previous points.
(Better answers will focus on the decision(s) required in dealing with the chosen issue rather than simply give an overview of Bentham’s and Mill’s ideas.)
Explain the meaning and importance of each of the following in the theory of Utilitarianism:
• the greatest happiness principle • the consequences of actions.(30)
(meaning/ importance/greatest happiness principle/ consequences with some supporting evidence/examples)
>Intro- basic Util: teleological, greatest happiness principle, principle of utility, to do with Bentham.
> Greatest happiness principle - morality of a situation is decided on the basis of how much happiness is caused.
Mills greatest happiness counts on the quality of the happiness too. The more happiness brought about the more useful the outcome
> Consequence of actions- teleological theory, ends justify the means. Act utilitarianism- if the consequence results in the greatest happiness, then the act can be justified as moral. However consequence must have been anticipated with the use of Hedonic calc. In rule util the consequence is judged by a set of made rules, to see if the consequence will be moral.
>conc- these are the main principles of util
Explain how Act Utilitarianism and Rule Utilitarianism may be used to make moral decisions.
> intro- explain the difference between the two
Choose ethical issues: War- explain in much detail as possible
Act, main principles, Bentham, Use hedonic calculus (Purity, extent, remoteness, duration, intensity, fecundity, certainty)- apply issue. Each act determined to be moral, individually
Problems with Act- any rule can be justified, hard to abide by all of the rules, hard to measure every act, some pains good, some happiness bad
Rule util, main principles, Mill, how using rules set up to please the majority can help make a moral decision. problem: things like slavery could be brought back. Apply to war
Conc- sum up points and differences between act and rule util. How if the issue was slightly different the decision may be different, e.g. certainty of winning, purity of actions etc.
Explain how a Utilitarian might use the hedonic calculus in making moral decisions.
> Intro, how hedonic calculus works, teleological, hedonism, principle of utility, greatest happiness principle
Explain ethical issue with as much detail as possible
Apply hedonic calc to ethical issue, e.g. issue of going to war
then weigh up good and bad, to see i the action would be moral.
Conc, sum up points and evaluate how it would be different if the situation was even slightly different. e.g. no chance of winning
Explain both the general principles of Utilitarianism and the distinctive features of Mill’s Utilitarianism.
> Briefly say what general principles are, bentham
Teleological- explain, Hedonism
Greatest happiness principle- linked to principle of utility
How Mills Util, differs to Benthams Util. Qualitative, higher vs lower pleasures, with examples
Rule util- explain
sum up all points
Examine the general principles of utilitarianism with reference to any ethical issue(s) of your choice. (Do not choose abortion or euthanasia.)
> Say general principles > Teleological, explain and hedonism > Greatest happiness principle, applied to principle of utility >Hedonic calculus applied to war theory >Conc sum up all points