Euthanasia Flashcards
What is the definition of euthanasia
“the deliberate termination of an individual life at that individuals request, by another”
What is the double affect?
Where the intention is to relieve pain, but the secondary effect will, ultimately be death
Non-volutary euthanasia
If the person is unable to give their consent, therefore those unable to express their own wishes
Carried out at the request of a fully informed patient
done intentionally by giving a lethal injection/ drinking barbiturate to end a terminal illness
withdrawing treatment or switching off life support machines, which allows a person to die
Hippocratic oath
Hipporcrates thought the primary role of doctors was to preserve life
Catholic church, authority of scripture
> ‘God is the lord of life and death’
‘He puts to death and brings to life’
Human life is sacred and a gift from God
We are responsible stewards
Catholic church, Natural law
> goes against natural law
>Life is the ‘supreme good’
RC beliefs
1) intrinsically evil as life is a gift
2) ‘thou shall not kill’
3) Not our right to take our own life’s, should be in control of God
C of E view
1) legalisation would be abused
2) people may feel pressured and feel they are a burn
3) “Does the right to assisted death entail a responsibility on others to kill”- Archbishop Rowan Williams
what does the C of E think will happen to society
Major effect on the weak in society, may feel a burden so pressured to get euthanasia
Alternative to euthanasia for the terminally ill
Hospice movement- dying treated with dignity, love and respect. Pain managed
Principles of why C of E against
1) Christians have a duty to protect the weak and vulnerable
2) Autonomy should be limited
3) love and compassion should be shown- upholding intrinsic value of human life