Utilitarianism Flashcards
usefulness, if an object fulfils a specific goal. EX a good axe is one that chops well- axe has utility if it chops well,
psychological hedonism
descriptive theory- sole aims of actions based on avoiding pain bringing pleasure
classic/hedonistic Bentham
moral theory- bringing the most pleasure, least pain for everyone
moral value calculated by + all pleasure - all pain. Action = good is brings more pleasure than pain. EX mugging mugger gains pleasure victim gains pain.
utility calculus
Act, helps calculate moral worth of actions. Considers aspects of pleasure, EX duration, intensity, certainty
secondary principles, EX don’t kill, don’t steal. Has a set of base rules. Action = good if it follows a suitable rule. Rule = good if it will increase happiness.
Mill’s hedonistic
Comeback to drinking gin all day brings more pleasure tan not therefore we should drink gin all day. Higher + lower pleasures, EX higher + reading shakespeare, lower = eating.
Higher + lower pleasures (Mill)
lower = physical
higher = mind
higher better than lower
lower can be more pleasurable but we prefer higher
competent judge=someone who has experienced both lower + higher therefore can judge which is better.
greatest happiness principle
want greatest good for greatest No. of ppl.
-only evidence something is desirable is that it is desired.
-each prsn desires their own happiness
-each prsn happiness is desired
-happiness is a desirable thing globally
-each prsn happiness is good to them
-generally happiness is good for all ppl
non hedonistic
maximise something not pleasure
Moral integrity/conscience EX
Jim is a hostage
Jim is told to kill one prsn
Jim have a personal belief killing people is wrong
Should Jim go against his beliefs and kill an innocent prsn to save himself and the other
should Jim keep his conscience but die and get many others killed over just one?
aims to meet everyone’s preferences before committing an action. Easy to work out as can ask ppl. Good action = one that maximises everyone’s preferences. EX turning off life support won’t look to create the most pleasure/happiness but respect everyone’s preferences.
Similarities between each theory
most would produce the same answer but just for a different reason.
Nozick’s pleasure machiene
If you could step into a machine and live a pleasurable life without knowing you were in a machine would you? You wouldn’t be able to exist once you have entered.
Doesn’t judge good or bad just consequences of acts/actions
Moral integrity + intentions
Some theories in certain situations might provide an answer that comprises your moral integrity. MI = acting with fairness, honesty and decency no matter what.
Intentions EX
Bob helps his grandmother out of a sense of duty. Tim helps his grandmother to increase his chances of being in the will.
Both morally good according to utilitarianism. BUT Tim wouldn’t be praise worthy.