Utilitarianism Flashcards
What is the principle of utility?
An action is good if it maximises pleasure and minimizes pain. “greatest good for the greatest many”
Whose the “founder” of utilitarianism
Jeremy Bentham
What was benthams book
Introndiction to the principles of morals and legislation.
Does Benthams act utilitarianism take a quantitive of qualititave approach to valuing pleasure
Quantitiave-a game of pushpin(childrens game) is as valuable as poetry or the arts.
Is utilitarianism just about maximizing your own pleasure?
No, utilitarianism is about maximizing pleasure for as many people as possible-greatest good for the greatest many
Did Bentham believe that the principle of utility could ever be rejected?
No. He felt it was impossible to disapprove of it in a cohherent way. Although ascetics live a life of pain and suffering, bentham says that is their right and they are permitted to do that, but not subject anyone else to their beliefs e.g. in a holy way
What is the hedonic calculus and name some of the factors involved?
It is, to Bentham, an objective way of caluclating how much pleasure or pain an act will cause. Actions are rated in different categories such as duratioon, intensity or certainty to see whether the action causes more harm than good or is the best available option, by maximzing pleasure.
How is the hedonic calculus criticised?
it is unwieldy and unpractical to apply in everydfay situations. It is also not completely objective as peoople will disagree about different factors based on personal bias and computational errors.
What are all the characteristics oof benthams Act utilitarianism
Morally relativist-Different things are acceptable at different times based on how much net happiness they make
Consequentialist-an act is good if it produces the best consequences so the most happiness
Teleological-the goal is the greatest happiness
What is Thomas Carlysles criticism of act utilitarianism
It is “pig philsophy” Roger Crisp-Haydn and the Oyster-base pleasures are as valuable as sophisticated pleasures.
What is J.S. Mills approach to pleasure?
It is Qualitive-some pleasures are better than others.
What is the difference between Higher and Lower pleasures?
Lower pleasures are sensual or physical e.g. being warm
Higher pleasures are of a higher quality and distinguish us from animals-e.g. education or the arts.
Someone who has experienced a higher pleasure will always choose them over lower pleasures, even if it leads to discomfort.
What is rule utilitarianism
The idea that you can approach a situation with ready made rules that tend to result in maximization of pleasure, such as the harm principle. Strong rule utilitarianism says that these rules should never be broken whilst weak rule utilitarianism argues that if an action will obviously cause more pleasure it should be chosen over the rule. e.g. moral to kill in self defence.
What is the harm principle
John Stuart Mill’s harm principle states that individuals have the right to act as they wish, as long as their actions do not harm others. In other words, people should be free to pursue their own interests, as long as they do not harm others in the process. however, those who cannot make their own decisions, e.g. children may not be free.
Summarize the characteristics of Mills Rule utilitarianism
Telelogical-concerned with the outcome-similar to Benthams
Deontological-Sense of duty resulting from the establishment of rules that maximzie pleasure.
list pros and cons of Animal experimentation within utilitarianism
yes-necessary for humans to live, animals dont experience pain same way we do, we eat animals anyway
No-pleasure is quantitative-bentham so a pig is as important as a human. mill was prepared to apply his harm principle to anyhitng living. Peter Singer-Speciesim-same argument that rpomotes white supremacy. If someone has less mental capacity than is it ok to test on them.
list pros and cons of nuclear weapons as a deterent within utilitarianism
yes-necessary for happiness of population to not be invaded(iran, North Korea). Mill saw some war as necessary-ugly but not the ugliest e.g. American civil war to end slavery. can be used to deter aggression against hoime country MAD ensures no war?
No-Bentham saw war as ruinous. Anxiety whithin nations about nuclear war, even if it never happens. Nuclear weapons target civilians by design. Money may be better spent providing welfare elsewhere. nukes may escalate mistrust and fear between countries. bentham believed cooperation was the best way to avoid war.
is Pleasure the only intrinsic good?
yes-only thing we work towards-generally evident R.E Goodin-if we are given the choice between helping someone and helping noone we will tend to help someone.
No-Nozicks thought machine experiemtnn value other things like living in the real world. Things like honour and duty may be more importannt-martyrs.
does act utilitarianism work in a contemporary society?
Yes-adaptable, flexible, if applied properly will alawys result in maximition of pleasure. Consequentialist-takes into account all factors etc. Results in most socially efficient outcome.
No-Complicated and convoluted. humans are not perfectly rations-utilitarianism expects you to act as though it is happening to someone else. Bernard Williams execute one to save 19. Trolley problem. Convict a person to satidsfy the masses.
Does rule utilitarianism work in a contemporary society?
yes-creates trust-coinfidence your oorgasns will not be harvested to beenfit six other people. Genral rules that tend to promote happiness.
no-Creates too many exceptions creates act utilitarianism.
Being overly restrictive results in only an elite few being free to make desicions- mill beleived “backwards states” should not have the same freedom that enligghtened ones enjoy.