UTI + Pyelonephritis Flashcards
Infection of urethra, prostate, bladder, ureter, kidney, testes
Urethritis Prostatitis Cystitis Ureteritis = very rare Pyelonephritis Orchitis
What is an uncomplicated UTI
Sexually active female with normal renal structure
What is a complicated UTI
Abnormal tract e.g. catheter / obstruction / transplant
Foreign body
Type of organism
What is the most common cause of UTI
What are other causes
Usually gram -ve from vaginal / bowel
Klebsiella (enterococcus)
Proteus mirabilis
What is shown on USS with proteus
Staghorn calculi
What are gram +Ve causes
S. saphropgtticus
Usually due to haematogenous spread
What are common causes in hospital
How is UTI transferred
Blood - schistosomiasis
What are the symptoms of cystitis
Dysuria Frequency Urgency Polyuria Incontinence Smelly cloudy urine Loin / flank pain Haematuria Fever Confusion - common in elderly Vomiting - common in children Stranguary
What are symptoms of prostatitis
Pain - rectum / sctrotum / penis / bladder
Tender prostate PR
Prostate Sx - terminal dribbling / hesitation etc
Cystits Sx
How do children present
Unexplained fever Diarrhoea N+V Crying Off food
What should you always do in children
Follow up for VUJ reflux as risk of chronic pyelonephritis
What are RF for UTI
Urine stasis Obstruction Pushing bacteria up urethra Predisposition to infection Female
What are RF for prostatitis
Recent UTI
Bladder instruments
What causes urine stasis
Spinal injury = loss of sensation
Pregnancy as increased relaxation
What causes obstruction + hydronephrosis
Tumour Calculi Cyst Trauma BPH Uterine prolapse
What are causes in children
Congenital VUJ
Duplex kidney
What causes bacteria to be pushed up
Sex Catheter = very common cause Fistula Incontinence Constipation
What predispose you to an infection
DM Steroids Immunouppression CKD - immune Oestrogen insufficeicny Repeated cystitis Malnutrition
Why is female a RF
Short urethra Urethra close to rectum Lack of prostatic secetion Pregnancy Post menopause
What causes recurrent UTI in old and young male
Young= C+G Old = coliform
What should you check in recurrent UTI in elderly male
Check emptying bladder properly - post void USS
Check kidney - USS
Check bladder malignancy - cystourehtroscopy
What should you always check for in UTI
Distended bladder / enlarged prostate
Do not rely on classic Sx in cancer