UTI, Pyelo, ABX LECT Flashcards
What is dysuria?
Any discomfort associated with urination
What are predisposing factors for urethritis?
Frequent intercourse
Multiple partners
Inconsistent condom use
What urine test is best to diagnose urethritis?
Antigen for GC and Chlamydia
***Risk of STI will not show on a standard urine dip
What are predisposing factors to UTIs in women?
Use of spermicide
Frequent sexual intercourse
Diabetic women
Post-menopausal females
What are predisposing factors to UTIs in men?
Prostatic hypertrophy
What is asymptomatic bacteriuruia (ABU)?
Urine sample is obtained for another reason and shows bacteria on microscopic evaluation
What is an uncomplicated UTI?
Non pregnant female
No anatomic abnormalities
No instrumentation of the urinary tract
What is urethral instrumentation placed for?
Prevention of urinary retention and hydronephrosis
Interstitial cystitis
Painful bladder syndrome
Is interstitial cystitis chronic or acute?
What is used to treat gonorrhea/chlamydia?
Ceftriaxone + Azithromycin
What is used to treat chlamydia?
What do use to treat cystitis?
What do you use to treat pyelonephritis?
Symptoms associated with pyelonephritis?
Body aches esp back (flank) pain
Typically ascending from lower tract infection
Positive CVA tenderness
Papillary necrosis can occur in:
- Obstruction
- DM
- Sickle cell
- Analgesic nephropathy
What is emphysematous pyelonephritis?
Production of gas in nephric and perinephric area
What is xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis?
Chronic obstruction
Chronic infection
Causes suppurative destruction of renal tissue
Can lead to abscess formation
What is the difference b/w sepsis vs septic shock?
Sepsis = suspected or documented infection and an acute increase in organ failure
Septic shock= progressive organ dysfunction leading to marked increase in mortality
How do you prevent recurrent UTIs?
Indicated if recurrent UTIs ar interfering w/ a patient’s lifestyle
Continuous antibiotic therapy, post-coital, patient-initiated
What are some non-medicative UTI preventative strategies in women?
Empty bladder as soon as reasonable after intercourse
Wipe from front to back after toileting
Lactobacillus probiotics
Cranberry products
Vitamin C
Increased fluid intake