UTI Flashcards
What’s cystitis & its symptoms?
Inflammation in the bladder = Dysuria (pain in urination) = constant feeling of Urgency to urinate = Frequently urinating = Suprapubic (lower ab) pain
What’s pyelonephritis & its symptoms?
Inflammation in kidneys = DUFS in cystitis = Flank (kidney area) pain = back ache = Fever = Rigors (shaking, chills)
What does the presence of large numbers of epithelial cells (+++) in a urine specimen normally indicate? Would the specimen be suitable for assessing bacterial infection?
Badly collected sample bc contaminated w/ vaginal/urethral flora
List the structural/acquired abnormalities that may cause UTI in both men and women?
Both: stagnation by faulty sphyncters in ureters, congenital defects (not empty fully), paralysis, kidney stones, carcinoma, prostate enlargement
Are any bacteria directly detected on a urine dipstick? What about indirectly?
Detects presence of only Enterobacteriacae bc reduces NitrATE to NitrITE
a) How many colonies would equate to >10^8 cfu/L using the filter foot method of determining bacterial numbers for both bacilli and cocci? What about 107-108 cfu/L for the calibrated loop?
a) >25 CFU bacilli. >30 CFU cocci. = >10^8 cfu/L (filter foot)
b) 20-200 colonies = 107-108 cfu/L for the calibrated loop
If you cultured >10^8 cfu/L of E.coli and observed >100 x 106 WBC/L in a urine wet preparation, what comment would be reported?
Consistent with UTI
List 3-5 female risk factors for UTI (not structural or acquired abnormalities)?
- shorter urehtra = easy access from distal urethra
- Proximity of anus to urethra
- During pregnancy: foetus may put pressure on ureters = blocks/stops flow of urine in bladder = decrease frequency of urinatio- In pregnancy
- pregnancy= increases [glucose in urine] = nutrients for bacteria to grow in urethra
- anatomical ease
What typical features/characteristics would help you to recognise either S.marcescens or Ps.aeruginosa in culture?
S.marcescens: GNB w/ red pigment
Ps.aeruginosa: GNB w/ Green/yellow pigment & oxidase pos, R to antimicrobials
a) What is the base material of a urinary cast?
a) Protein
What do dysmorphic RBC in urine indicate? What about isomorphic RBC?
- Isomorphic RBC: non-glomerular (infection, Trauma)
- Dimorphic RBC: glomerular (glomerular disease)
If you saw 2 WBC in one 1mm x1mm square of a urine counting chamber, what would the WCC be reported as?
2 cells in 0.1ul (x10)
=> 20 cells in 1ul (x 10^6)
=> 20 x 10^6 /L WCC
If you cultured 10^7-10^8 cfu/L of Proteus mirabilis with >100 x 106 WBC/L seen in a urine wet prep, what comment would be reported?
Possible UTI
What is the purpose of setting up a purity plate from the same inoculum used to inoculate an API20E ID strip?
bc it validates if the results generated from the API20E came from one organism. If plate was mixed the test will need to be repeated (to text on one organism)
Name a crystal, when seen in urine, that is always considered pathological (significant)?
Tyrosine crystals (in acidic urine) => indicate severe liver disease or AA metabolic defect
Give three reasons why normal urinalysis procedures may not lead to the growth and ID of a pathogen in a genuine case of UTI?
- Incubated in air (pathogen could be AnO2)
- Use BA & CLED/MAC (could be fastidious = require CHOC)
- No re-incubation for No growth or scanty growth
Briefly describe the purpose of the biochem test in a dip strip/stick: pH, glucose, Protein, blood, Nitrite
- pH: Normal 6, Proteus
- Glucose: diabetes
- Protein: pyelonephritis, glomerular nephritis (GMN)
- Blood: Non- & glomerular (kidney) bleeding (haematuria)
- Nitrite: presence of Enterobacteriacae (only)
What organisms suggest contaminationion (microbe/yeast/parasite)
- Trichomonas vaginalis (parasite)
- Enterobius vernicularis (parasite)
- yeast
What do the presence of hyaline casts in urine usually indicate?
dehydration or vigorous exercise (not significant)
What do the presence of renal epithelial casts in urine usually indicate?
(pathological) Renal tubule necrosis, viral disease, kidney transplant rejection
What do the presence of waxy casts in urine usually indicate?
(significance) Severe chronic renal disease, renal amyloidosis
What do the presence of granular casts in urine usually indicate?
Chronic renal disease, acute tubular necrosis
hyaline cast w/ cell debris, bacteria, protein
What do the presence of red cell casts in urine usually indicate?
Pathological! kidney damage, GN
What do the presence of white cell casts in urine usually indicate?
Glomerular nephritis (GN)