Utah GI path Review Flashcards
these little guys are often incidental findings since they do not often secrete hormones or cause any clinically evident symptoms, often there is more than one present, it is a small well circumscribed mass with yellow-tan cut surface grossly, microscopically the cytoplasm stains positive for antibodies to chromogranin
carcinoid tumor
yellow-green colored gallstones are found in patients with what condition
someone with sickle cell anemia may have some _____ as a result of hemolysis leading to formation of dark greenish-black gallstones
most common vascular lesion of the GI tract (may cause bleeding OR be asymptomatic) often found near the cecum
this condition starts in the rectum and then ascends
ulcerative collitis
what is a common microscopic finding with ulcerative collitis
crypt abscesses
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an organism which plays a major role in what bowel disease
vesicorectal fistula is a common problem with which IBD
hepatic sclerosing cholangitis occurs with which IBD
ulcerative collitis
disease resulting from loss of mismatch repair genes that often affects the ascending colon
with adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas we can get this complication which causes alkaline phosphatase and especially direct bilirubin to increase
extrahepatic biliary obstruction
primary sclerosing cholangitis is an extrahepatic complication of ulcerative colitis and produces what histological feature
liver biopsy has “onion skin” fibrosis
liver cirrhosis predisposes one to what kind of cancer
focal hepatic obstruction (like with metastasis of cancer) would result in an elevated ___ value but normal bilrubin
Alkaline phosphatase
most common neoplasm of the liver
elevated alpha fetoprotein is indicative of what malignancy
chronic alcoholism makes you more susceptible to acetaminophen overdose why?
because it depletes glutathione which would normally be able to clear some of the acetaminophen
what can cause ulcers in the esophagus of someone who is immunocompromised
what is an effect of chronic ulcerative collitis
primary sclerosing cholangitis
colonic adenocarcinoma
the one liver condition where there are increased neutrophils present
sclerosing hyaline necrosis (alcoholic hepatitis)
congenital megacolon in hirscprung disease is a failure of neural crest cell migration to a segment of the colon and may involve what gene mutation