USPSTF Flashcards
One time screening men 65 to 75 who have ever smoked
Primary prevention of CVD and CRC age 50 to 59 with 10% or greater ASCVD score, no bleeding risk, will live for 10 years, will take med for 10 years
BRCA related risk
For patients with personal or family hx of breast Gyn CA or susceptibility to BRCA1/2 should be have risk assessment tool.
If positive, Genetic counseling and then genetic testing
Breast CA meds to reduce risk
Age 35 years and older tamoxifen (premenopausal) and raloxifene (post menopausal) or aromatase inhibitor to lower risk od CA
Breast CA screening
Biennial age 50 to 74
Cervical CA
21 to 29: cytology Q3 years
30 to 65: cytology Q3 years or cytology and HPV Q5 years
Screen ALL sexually active females less than 24
Screen high risk females greater than 25
Screen 45 to 49 years (B)
Screen 50 to 75 years (A)
Dental caries
Screen from birth to 5 years
Oral flouride supplementation starting at 6 months if flouride deficient water
Screen all adults, pregnant and postpartum for depression, frequency not specified
Screen for MDD in ages 12 to 18, frequency not specified
Exercise intervention for community dwelling 65 and older or those with increased risk of falls
Group or individual PT
Balance training 3 days or more per week
150 mins per week of moderate intensity or 75 mins of vigorous intensity and muscle training activity 2 times per week
Gestational DM
Screen 24 weeks or after
CVD risk prevention
Behavioral counseling for healthy diet and physical activity
Pregnancy weight
Offer behavioral counseling
Underweight: upto 28 to 40 lbs
Normal: 25 to 35 lbs
Overweight: 15 to 25 lbs
Obese: 11 to 20 lbs
Hep B screening
- first prenatal visit
- Adults and adolescents with high risk:
Born in countries where HbSAg prevelance is 2% or greater
Injection drug users
HIV and sex partners
Needle sharing contacts
Household contacts of those with HBSAg positive
Hep C
18 to 79 years
All Pregnant or in labor
15 to 65 or anyone at risk
Screen 18 + at office
Annual screening for 40+ with high risk (black, overweight)
Q3 to 5 years 18 to 39 with no risk factors
Obtain outside BP measurement before starting treatment
Intimate violence
Screen women of reproductive age
Screening tests:
HARK: Humiliation, afraid, rape, kick HITS: hurt, insult, threaten, scream E-HITS: Extended HITS PVS: Partner violence screen WAST: women abuse screening tool
Screening for Latent TB
For high risk individuals
With TST or IGRA
Baby aspirin for women with high risk of preeclampsia from 12 weeks of gestation
Screen for preeclampsia at each prenatal visit with BP
Risk factors for preeclampsia: Previous hx Previous adverse pregnancy Maternal DM htn renal or autoimmune dz Multifetal gestation Nulliparity Obesity Blacks Poor Advance maternal age
Bp > 140/90 on 2 occasions 4 hrs apart after 20 weeks
Proteinuria > 300 on 24 hr urine
Thrombocytopenia, renal insuff, abnormal LFTs, pulm edema, cerebral/visual sx
Lung CA screening
Low dose CT
50 to 80
20 pack year hx
Quit within 15 years
Obesity pediatrics
6 + years
Behavioral counseling
Ocular GC prevention
Erythromycin to prevent gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum in newborns
Screen 65+ women with BMD
Screen postmenopausal women less than 65 based on clinical risk assessment tool (eg FRAX)
Risk factors: Parental hx of hip fx Smoking Excessive alcohol use Low body weight
- 1 in 3 men with hip fx will die within a year*
- use FrAX: based on comparison of average acore of a 65 year old white woman with no risk factors. If higher, then screen*
DM screening
35 to 70 years who are overweight or obese every 3 years
For high risk:
MSM or heterosexual with one of:
Serodiscordant sex partner or partner with injection drug use hx
Inconsistent condom use
STI within past 6 months
Drug injectors with one of:
Above parameters
Shared needles
tenofovir and emtricitabine once daily
Rh D incompatibility
Screen for all at first prenatal care
Rescreen Rh D negative women at 24 to 28 weeks u less dad is also Rh D negative
STI behavioral counseling
For all high risk adolescents and adults
Skin cancer prevention
Counsel 6 months to 24 years fair skinned to minimize UV Exposure
C rating for counseling for over 24 years
Statin Use
Hx of CVD use low/moderate statin if all are pos:
40 to 75 years
1 or more cvd risk factor (chol, htn, dm, smoking)
Calculated ascvd score > or equal to 10%
Syphillis screening
Screening in those with increased risk and all pregnant women
Tobacco cessation counseling and intervention
In all patients school age children to adults pregnant and non pregnant
Alcohol and drug use screening
All adults 18 +
Vision screening pediatrics
3 to 5 to detect amblyopia
Adults with BMI > 30 need multicomponent behavioral intervention
I recommendations
Insufficient evidence
Insufficient evidence to screen for chlamydia and gonorrhea in men
Insufficient evidence to screen for gestational diabetes and pregnant patients before 24 weeks
Insufficient evidence the screen for vitamin D deficiency
Insufficient evidence to screen for hearing loss in older adults
Insufficient evidence for pharmacotherapy for tobacco cessation and pregnant patients
Insufficient evidence to assess benefits in harms of electronic cigarettes
Insufficient evidence for screening of hypertension in children
Insufficient evidence to screen for drug use and children
Insufficient evidence to screen for cognitive impairment in older adults
Insufficient evidence to screen for AAA in women with risk factors
Insufficient evidence to screen for blood blood levels and children and pregnant patients
Insufficient evidence to screen for atrial fibrillation with echocardiograph
Insufficient evidence to screen for PAD with ABI
Insufficient evidence to screen for CVD in asymptomatic patients with a ABI or CRP or calcium score
Insufficient evidence to screen for osteoporosis in men
D recommendations
More harm than good
Do not screen for coronary artery stenosis
Do not screen for BV in pregnant patients with no risk for preterm delivery
Do not screen for AAA and women with no risk factors
Do not screen for bacteriuria in asymptomatic non-pregnant patient
Do not screen for pancreatic, ovarian, thyroid or testicular cancer
Do not screen with EKG for CVD in asymptomatic patients
Do not screen four prostate cancer with PS a for
and 70 and older
Do not screen for genital herpes in any patient
Do not use estrogen alone or combined estrogen and progesterone for chronic conditions in postmenopausal women
C recommendations
Shared decision making
Screening for colorectal cancer from age 76 to 85
Screening for AAA and men yes 65 to 75 who have never smoked
Screening with PSA for prostate cancer in men 55 to 69
Screening for breast cancer between ages 40 and 49
Counseling two adults 24 years and older with fair skin to minimize exposure to UV radiation
Statin used in patients with a ASCVD score 7.5 to 10%
Aspirin use in patients 60 to 69 years