Using "Was" with Ser/Estar in Preterit/Imperfect Flashcards
To work on phrases using was
He was a teacher.
Era profesor.
Era maestro.
She was going last night but then couldn’t.
Ella iba a ir anoche pero al final no pudo.
Last year I was painting for a living.
El año pasado estaba pintando para ganarse la vida.
I was small as a child.
Era pequeño como un niño.
He was a sailor in his youth.
Era un marinero en su juventud.
There was an accident.
Hubo un accidente.
I was with them.
Estuve con ellos.
What was the weather like?
¿Qué tiempo hacía?
It was warm.
Hacía calor.
Era profesor.
Era maestro.
He was a teacher.
Ella iba a ir anoche pero al final no pudo.
She was going last night but then couldn’t.
El año pasado estaba pintando para ganarse la vida.
Last year I was painting for a living.
Era pequeño como un niño.
I was small as a child.
La fiesta fue divertida anoche.
The party was fun last night.
Era un marinero en su juventud.
He was a sailor in his youth.
Era nueve del a mañana cuando la mujer llegó a la puerta.
It was 9am when the woman came to the door.
Había mucha cola.
There was a long line.
¿Hubo daños?
Was there any damage?
Hubo una explosión.
There was an explosion.
Hubo un accidente.
There was an accident.
No hubo daños materiales.
There were no material damages.
No había nadie más.
There was no one else.
Estuve con ellos.
I was with them.
¿Estuvo herido antes?
Was he injured before?
En Grecia no podía estar.
He was not permitted to be in Greece.
¿Qué tiempo hacía?
What was the weather like?
Hacía calor.
It was warm.
No sabíamos quién era.
We didn’t know who it was.
Buscaba su teléfono desde hacía una hora.
He was looking for his phone for an hour.
Ella estaba buscando su anillo de perlas.
She was looking for her pearl ring.