Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Technology Flashcards
CSS Positioning Scheme: Static
The normal, or default, position of the element within a page.
CSS Positioning Scheme: Relative
The element is relative to others on a page, usually because of the top, bottom, left and right properties.
CSS Positioning Scheme: Absolute
The element appears to float above the document and can be positioned as needed
It is completely removed from the rest of the page flow
CSS Positioning Scheme: Fixed
The element remains in the same position when the page is scrolled
CSS Positioning Scheme: Inherit
The element inherits its position from the parent element.
The CSS Box Model: Content
The content within an HTML element
The CSS Box Model: Padding
Surrounds the content
Defines the space between the content and the border of an element
The CSS Box Model: Border
Surrounds the padding
Defines a border, such as a line, around an element
The CSS Box Model: Margin
The outermost box
Defines only the amount of space between the border and the surrounding elements in the HTML document
Properties Format: Padding \ Padding:[? ? ? ?]
padding:[top right bottom left]
Properties Format: Border \ border:[? ? ? ]
border:[width style color]
Properties Format: Margin \ margin:[? ? ? ?]
margin:[top right bottom left]
class selector
A selector that specifies CSS styles for a group of elements.
CSS rule
In a style sheet, a format instruction that consists of a specified selector and the properties and values applied to it.
document flow
In CSS, the arrangement of content elements on a page and how the space is used.