Locally applied as counterirritant for the relief of sprains, muscular/joint pain, and mild respiratory tract disorder such as bronchitis and cold.
Aceite alcanforado
Camphorated oil
Camphor liniment
Oil of camphor
Relief of gas pain
Aceite manzanilla
Chamomile oil
Treatment of various disorders such as fungus infections, tinea flava, ringworms and athlete’s foot
Ap-ap solution
Soothing and refreshing tonic, also used after shave
Aqua colognia
Cologne water
Mild respiratory stimulant as in cases of fainting
Aromatic spirit of ammonia
Spirit sal volatil
For gas pain, gaseous indigestion, colic and related gastrointestinal disorder
Balsamo carminativo
Cleansing and washing wounds, ears, skin disorders/infections, mouthwash, vaginal douche, skin bleeding
Hydrogen peroxide
Aqua oxigenada
Removing warts, anti-fungal
Salicylic acid
Aromatic cleansing bath
Aromatic vinegar
Vinegar aromatico
Gas pain, indigestion, constipation and colic
Essencia maravillosa
Local treatment for stomatitis (thrush), mouth ulcer for treatment of minor burns and cuts
Gentian violet
Methylrosaniline chloride solution
Disinfectant and first aid treatment for wounds
Tincture iodine
Tinctura de yodo