In South Africa I have seen telephone numbers of businesses starting with:
0860 & 0861
What does this mean?
0860 - think of the naught as humility and that means SHARING
These number are called SHARECALL and basically no matter where you phone from you are charged local rates. In our case PE RATES.
0861 - think of the one as number one or winner and that means MAXI
these numbers are called MAXICALL and basically the caller always pays long distance rates even if routes to a local office.
So Nickey tell me how does the NMMU calculate the class mark (CM) the exam mark (EM) and the final mark (FM)
CM= determined by the lecturer usually a practical and theoretical component
EM = the average in scores out of the total I.e. 86/120 (examiner) and 88/120 (moderator) is 86+88 = 174 / 2 = 87. The exam mark that is entered into the system before Cynthia calculates is 87/120 = 72.5
FM = is simply worked out as 0.5(CM) + 0.5(EM)