Useful Data Flashcards
Temperature gradient in upper continental crust
20-30 degrees celsius / km
lithostatic pressure gradient
c. 30MPa/km
Density of continental crust
less than 3.0Mgm/m^3
Density of mantle
greater than 3.0 Mgm/m^3
c. 3.3Mgm/m^3 below Moho
Density of oceanic crust
c. 2.9 Mgm/m^3
Density of eclogite
less than 3.5 Mgm/m^3
Average density of Earth
c. 5.5 Mgm/m^3
Seismic velocity of continental crust
c. 6.0km.s
Seismic velocity of the upper mantle
c. 8.0km/s
Thickness of continental crust
c. 30km at sea level
Thickness of oceanic crust
c. 8km
Thickness of crust under tibet
c. 70km
Thickness of crust under the alps
c. 50km
Thermal constant of the lithosphere
c. 60Ma
Elastic thickness of old ocean (100Ma)
c. 30km
Thermal thickness of old ocean (100Ma)
c. 125km
Mechanical thickness
c. 60km
Seismic thickness (depth of LVZ)
c. 125km
Upper/lower mantle boundary
c. 650km
Lower mantle/core
c. 3000km
Inner core boundary
c. 5000km
Radius of the Earth
Depth of mid-ocean ridge
c. 2.5km below msl
depth of abyssal plains
c. 5km below msl
depth of deepest trenches (e.g. Marianas)
c. 11km below msl
depth of continental shelf
c. 200km below msl
Highest mountains (Everest)
c. 8km above msl
Age of the Earth
c. 4560 Ma
Age of oldest ocean floor (SW Pacific)
c. 180Ma (jurrassic)
Age of oldest continental (Yilgarn, W Australia)
c. 4200Ma (U-Pb on zircon)
Cambrian/Precambrian boundary
c. 570Ma
Paleozoic/Mesozoic boundary
c. 250Ma
Mesozoic/Cenozoic boundary
c. 65Ma
Start of Quaternary / hom sap
c. 2Ma
Shortening from collision of Asia and India
Thinning in Greece
Continental crust thinned from 35km to 20km. Subsidence of thinned crust lead to creatian of Aegian.