Gravity, Isostasy and Paleomagnetism Flashcards
Equatorial radius of Earth
c. 1/300
Polar radius of Earth
Gravity at equator
Gravity at poles
Reference gravity values
Assuming Earth is a fluid, use observed angular velocity to calculate the reference spheroid from which you calculate gravity.
Reference surface for gravity observations is the sea surface.
Equipotential surface
Geoid anomaly
Difference in the height of the geoid and the theoretical reference surface.
Measured by satellites with an accuracy of +- 10cm
A height of 100m is equivalent to 60mgal change in gravity
Long-wavelength gravity
Long-wavelength part of the geoid differs from the theoretical value by less than 100m (60mgal = 0.006%)
On the planetary scale, Earth resembles a perfect fluid
Geoid anomalies reflect deep mantle/core structure
Continents and oceans must be hydrostatically balanced
Small-scale gravity
Submarine mountains that make up the mid-ocean ridge systems have no effect on the geoid.
Effect of terrestrial mountains is less than expected.
Therefore, ‘excess’ mass is compensated for
Airy’s isostasy
mountains have roots
Pratt’s isostasy
mountains have lower density than surrounding rocks
Airy’s isostasy
Correlation between the Moho depth and the height above sea-level for the continental mountains
Oceanic crust is constant thickness, but water depth varies by several km.
Oceanic mountains are compensated by density variations in the mantle
Pratt’s isostasy as large mountains have lower density material below them
Oceanic islands
Usually volcanoes that have added thickness to the normal oceanic crust
Volcano on cold, oceanic lithosphere e.g. Hawaii will cause the lithosphere to flex and support the load by elastic deformation. This will result in a gravity anomaly and a trench around the island.
Volcano on hot, weak lithosphere e.g. Iceland will not be supported by flexure and there won’t be a gravity anomaly.
Erosion of mountains
Relationship between average height and depth of root is maintained. When they’re fully erroded, the crust is 35km
Continental root is replaced with mantle material that moves by solid-state creep
Present magnetic field
Approximately the shape of a dipole magnet
Axis of magnetic field is inclined in relation to the axis of rotation, currently by 11.5 degrees
Earth’s magnetic field
Undergoes secular variation
Visible from old naval maps
Remnant magnetism in rocks
Thermo-remnant magnetism:
Cooling from high temperature through the Curie temperature, typically 500 degrees celsius
Chemo-remnant magnetism:
Magnetization acquired by chemical phase changes during formation of iron oxides e.g in haematite
Depositional remnant:
Alignment of magnetized particles in a sediment
Magnetic reversals
Dipole component of the magnetic field occasionally reverses, on average every million years. But reversals are random in time
Secular variation averages to 0 over 10^5 years
Origin of Earth’s magnetic field
Self-exciting dynamo
Originates in fluid portion of the core
Requires outer core to be good electrical conductor (support that it’s made of iron)
Assumption when using paleomagnetism
Field averages to an axial geocentric pole
Requires many samples to average out secular variation
Apparent polar wander path
APWPs must be similar for continents that were moving as part of the same mass
If APWPs for 2 continents differ significantly, the continents were in relative motion
Do not give longitudes