Use of data Flashcards
What is Quantitative data?
Data that can be quantified as a number,e.g.time in seconds, or goals scored. No opinion expressed - it is a fact. (Numerical score)
What is Qualitative data?
Data which is subjective, involving opinions relating to the quality of a performance rather than a quantity. (Descriptive data)
Examples of Quantitative data
Any reference to numbers/ quantities/ amounts,E.g. - Fitness tests produce numerical scores.- Heart rate is measured in beats per minute (can be plotted on a graph)- Engagement patterns of different social groups could be shown as numerical amounts or percentages.
Examples of Qualitative data
Any reference to opinion.E.g.- the opinions expressed about the positive or negative impact of commercialisation on a spectator.- the opinions expressed about the merits of extrinsic motivation.- the opinions expressed by different people about what a diet should contain.
How is Quantitative data collected?
Following methods1) Questionnaires2) Surveys3) Heart rate monitors (to measure HR)4) Stopwatches (e.g. to gain a time in Illinois Agility test)5) Metre Rule (e.g. to gain a score in the reaction time test)
How is Qualitative data collected?
Following methods1) interviews2) Observations(E.g you may see from an observation that a performer appears to be over aroused- or you may interview a participant who expresses their delight at their score after a fitness test.)
How can data be presented?
Different formats1) Plotting a basic line chart2) Plotting a basic bar chart3) Labelling the x and y axis correctly on a chart
What is a Line chart?
The use of plotted points (markers) to show data, which are joined together by a line.
What is a Bar chart?
The use of rectangular bars which show the data quantities.
What is the X axis?
Shows the independant variable. Remember X (a cross)(the bottom horizontal one)
What is the Y axis?
Shows the dependant variable ( the thing you are measuring e.g. heart rate)Remember Y (to the sky!)( the left side vertical one)
How do you anayse data?
Analyse means break things down into smaller parts or identify smaller parts.
How do you evaluate data?
Evaluate involves deciding upon the worth of or reasons for something.
What does Validity mean?
Validity means that the test actually tests what it states it will test.A valid test is one which is appropriate for the sport.
What does Reliability mean?
Reliability means that if the testis repeated, similar results can be gained.
What does Protocol mean?
Protocol means what you actually do to carry out the test?Remember to use the correct units when describing a test e.g. one rep max in kilograms (kg)