Use Case Modelling Flashcards
What is the favoured technique in UML to capture functional requirements?
Use Case Modelling.
What is a Use Case?
A Use Case describes how a user will use the proposed IT system to prvide some result of value to them in the context of their work.
How should IT requirements be for a Use Case?
They should be user oriented, business goal focused, consistently specified.
What are some facts in regards to Use Cases?
They are structured functional requirements, they are a description of the dialogue between the user and the system, they are expected to deliver value, the sum of the use cases is the system, they must be using a verb-noun phrase.
What is the focus of Use Cases?
Always described from the actor’s POV, yeild a result of value for the actor, support activities in business processes, describe only interactions with the IT system, should not be confused with business processes.
What is an Actor in a Use Case?
Representation of a named user role that interfaces with the system.
What types of Actors exist in Use Cases?
Human and non-human actors.
What are some charateristics of Use Case Actors?
They initiate the collaboration with the system and are external to the IT system.
What are the three main symbols in a Use Case?
Actor, Use Case, and Association.
What do Use Cases specify?
They specify the behaviour of the system, not how this is carried out (WHAT the system is meant to do).
What are direction arrows used in Use Cases for?
To show an undirectional association, they improve the clarity of the diagram.
What is a Primary Actor in a Use Case?
The actor triggering the use case and is seeking some benefit from the system.
What is a Secondary Actor in a Use Case?
He doesn’t initiate the use case, he provides supporting information or confirmation, active collaboration will be required to further the goals of the primary actor.
Why is a Use Case Description template used?
Once we have use cases described at a summary level and scope of the system agreed, descriptions can be written. They allow to have records.
What are the component of the Use Case description template?
A unique reference, name (verb noun), brief description, triggers, actors, main flow.