Introduction to Object Diagrams and Communication Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams Flashcards
What is a Class Diagram? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
Show all the classes for the area of business being analysed and how they relate to each other over time.
What is an Object Diagram? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
Show how specific instances of the classes relate to each other at a specific instant in time.
How are Object Diagrams written? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
Written with their names underlined plus the class they belong to.
How is a Object shown? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
In a rectangular box, same as the class, but we label it with the name of this particular instance followed by a colon and the class name. All of these underlined.
What are some difference between an Object and Class Diagram? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
We look at objects not classes, we focus on links not associations.
What is the difference between a Use Case and a Use Case Realisation? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
Use case is a description of the external sequence of events between an actor and the system needed to meet a requirement. Use Case Realisation is a sequence of events and interactions that form part of a use case. Each UCR gives us a temporal specification of actions carried out, and for each use case there will be several realisations.
Use Case Realisation in Analysis? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
Understand which objects are required to meet each Use Case Description. Of particular interest are the entity objects (Data) - these should be found on the Domain Class Diagram.
Use Case Realisation in Design? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
Understand what operations will be required on which objects in order to realise each Use Case. Also serves to confirm and augment the attributes of the object too.
What is View of Participating Classes (VOPC)? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
A diagram of all the entity classes whose instances work together to realise the use case.
What is VOPC a subset of? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
The documentation is a subset of the Domain Class Model.
UC Architecture - Best Practice? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
Requires grouping objects into layers based on a separation of concerns, there are 3 standard layers.
UC Architecture - Boundary? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
Objects that provide a means for actors to communicate with the system. For an interactive user this could be a form or page. For external systems some form of protocol-based interface. Usually one for every actor-system association found in the use=case model.
UC Architecture - Control? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
Objects that act as a placeholder for the logic of a use case. Uusally one for each use case being realised.
UC Architecture - Entity? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
Objects discovered during Domain Class Modelling. These objects represent the business domain and persist beyond the execution of a single use case. Usually some form of database is used to support the persistence of these objects.
What is the Boundary Stereotype? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
specialises objects for presentation and manipulation. Boundary objects present and communicate the information in a system to another system, such as a human or a machine (that is, actors). The boundary objects can also enable the manipulation of the information (through well-defined rules in the entity objects). Boundary objects are typically windows, dialog boxes, or communication classes, such as TCP/IP.
What is the Control Stereotype? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
is used to connect boundary objects with their entity objects and to handle a sequence of operations inside the system. Control objects hold the logic of the Use Case, as describe in the Use Case description. The entity objects carry the information that is presented and manipulated through boundary objects. Control objects typically handle the processing of the information in the entity objects, along with the functionality sequences from the Use Case that involve a number of entity objects.
What is the Entity Stereotype? (Object and Communication Diagrams)
is used to model business objects (the core concepts) such as debt, invoice, insurance contract, and so on. They are typically persistent so that they can be stored in the system. The classes of these objects should be found on the Domain Class model.