USCP (module 2) Flashcards
The English word ‘Culture’ is gotten from the Latin expression
or cultus
or cultus means
’ significance plowing, or developing or refining and love. In total
it implies developing and refining.
-is a lifestyle
-thus refers to a human-made environment which includes
all the material and nonmaterial products of group life that are transmitted
from one generation to the next.
-is the declaration of our temperament in our
methods of living and thinking.
comprises of articles that are identified with the material part of our life
like our dress, food, and family products
Material culture
culture alludes
to thoughts, standards, musings and conviction.
“that complex whole
which includes knowledge,
belief, art, law, morals,
custom, and any other
capabilities and habits
acquired by man as a
member of society.”
Edward Burnett Tylor
tend to define culture in
terms of “communicable
intelligence,” “conventional
understandings” or
“communicated ideas.”
Robert Ranulp Marrett
culture as cultivation the
process of transmitting
and acquiring traditions
as a result of which
society is perpetuated
Radcliffe Brown