Usability Heuristics Flashcards
What are some usability heuristics?
Visibility of system status
Match the real world
User Control & Freedom
Consistency & Standards
Error Prevention
Recognition, Not Recall
Flexibility & Efficiency of use
Aesthetic and Minimalistic design
Error Reporting, diagnosis and recovery
Help and documentation
Virtual Machine Uses Cds & Rest For Automation & Humanity
Describe visibility of system status
Keep the user informed about the system state
Response time
Describe Match the real world
Speak the user language
Use common words
Don’t put limits on the user defined names
Aloow synonims in command languages
Leverage Familiarity with Real-World objects
Describe user control and freedom
Clearly marked exits
Users should not be trapped by the interface
Undo to support exploration
Cancel long operations
Cancel in dialogue boxes
Describe Consistency and Standards
Similar things should look and act similar
Different things should look different
Wording, colour, position, size, ordering
Follow platform standards
Describe error prevention
Don’t give users the opportunity to make errors
Selection is less error prone than typing
Disable illegal operations
Avoid modes
Describe Recognition, Not recall
Minimize Memory Load
Menus vs Commands Combo boxes vs Text boxes
All needed information should be visible
Describe Flexibility & Efficiency of use
Shortcuts for frequent operations
Macro for repetivive actions
Describe Aesthetic and Minimilistic design
Less is more
Good graphic design
Use consise language
Describe Error Reporting, Diagnosis and Recovery
Good error messages should be precise constructive, polite and hide technical details until requested
Describe Help & Documentation
User guides and online help are essential
What happens if there is only one evaluator?
Unreliable results (only about 35% of problems are found)
What are the 4 steps in the formal process of heuristic evaluation?
Training, Evaluation, Severity classification and Discussion of results
What are the severity factors?
Frequency, Impact and Persistency
What is the scale?
Cosmetic, Minor, Major, Catasthrophic