Usa faa Atp Questions Flashcards
Part 61 is
Requirements for issuing pilot & instructor certificates with privileges & limitations
Refusal to submit to an alcohol test means?
Denial of certificate or suspension or revoked licence
How long is a temporary airman certificate valid for?
120 days
Who must hold a type rating?
Can a pilot conduct CAT 2 CAT 3 minima
Not without additional training
How many hours are required for an unrestricted ATP
Sub part A of 14 CFR 91 addresses
Operating rules for aircraft within the USA
Can PIC operate without a current approved flight manual on board?
How long between alcohol and flying?
8 hours min
What info must be reviewed before flight?
Weather Fuel requirements Alternates Traffic Runway lengths TO & LDG distance
Speed limits below 10,000ft & below floor of class B airspace?
250 kts below 10
200 kts
Fuel requirements for IFR flights
Flight to destination
Then alternate
Then 45 mins Reserve fuel
When is an alternate required
Destination forecast +/- 1 hour
Ceiling 2000ft
Vis 3 statue miles
Standard take off minimums
1 statute mile
Minimum en route altitude
Minimum obstruction clearance altitude
Westbound FL
When must the cockpit voice recorder be active?
Start of First use of checklist to end of last checklist
Part 117 is
Flight & duty time limitations
TCAS required? Windshear warning System required?
Yes & Yes
TO & LDG currency
3 TO & 3 Ldgs per 90 days
Who is responsible for preflight planning, delays & dispatch?
PIC & dispatcher
If 1 engine fails can you continue to destination?
No, unless destination is the nearest suitable
Airworthiness requirements
Aircraft CANNOT be dispatched unless airworthy
Takeoff alternate required?
Weather is below LDG minima for airdrome.
Must be within 1 hour or eng out speed in still air.
Max holding speeds
6000ft and below
6001 -14000ft
200 kts
230 kts
Holding reporting requirements
Pilots should report to ATC the time and altitude/flight level at which the aircraft reaches the clearance limit and report leaving the clearance limit.
Cat 1 minima
200ft DH & 1800ft RVR